Thursday, November 19, 2020

Red Robin and a Thermostat

Tuesday 11-17-2020

Vera had an eye doctor appointment this morning, after it was over we headed to Vancouver.  Our first stop was Costco for a few things, it was a little different than senior hours, lots of people and we had to wait in line to check out.  Vera had a Red Robin's gift card so we called in an order to the Battleground Red Robin and did their curbside pickup.  It was good, we will probably stop in there again.  This picture is from the onramp at the Ridgefield exit, lots of rain and spray to look forward to on the way home.

Wednesday 11-18-2020
The motor home heated up the other day when we headed for the flying field so we turned around and came home.  It turned out to be a bad thermostat and radiator cap.  The thermostat is hard to get at, you can see one bolt in the picture above if you know where to look.  Both of the hoses to the intake had to be removed along with the vacuum hose.  The bolts were no fun and it took most of the first day to get out and back in.  I got it finished over the weekend but never got fluids put back in until today.
Of course there was a leak, I hadn't tightened the hose clamp on the thermostat housing tight enough.  I marked the easiest bolt on the housing to get at.  After tightening the hose clamp and filling the radiator again everything checked out great.  This evening I got speakers hooked up to the TV in the motor home and it sounds much better to me.

Thursday 11-19-2020
I have also been working on wiring for the water compartment heater and the inverter.  Just as we quit for lunch Laury came along the driveway taking Josie for a ride.  Boy does she look cute in those sunglasses!
We made a mail run, cruised around town a little, then picked up lunch at BK and went down to Lions Pride Park to eat.  No fishermen today the water is too high. 
This rainbow was the perfect end to our little outing.  I spent the rest of the day installing some USB plugs in the motor home for charging things 

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