Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Early Thanksgiving Dinner

 I had a busy morning, I made a recycling and pellet run right after breakfast.  While Vera was at bible studay I glued the pilot into the F-18 while the glue was drying I asked Parker if I could put some limbs on his burn pile and he said "Yes, no problem".  The cedar by the driveway limbs had gotten really dense by the road and making it hard to back the motor home in.  To tell the truth I didn't realize there were so many limbs in there because I ended up with a heck of a pile. 

 It took a little while but I got them all packed over to the burn pile.

Debbie has to work Thanksgiving so she made their dinner today and brought us each a helping.  It was delicious, but I am sorry to report the pumpkin pie didn't last long enough to get in the picture.  It was a nice end to a busy day. 

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