Monday, November 30, 2020
Plum Tree
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Motor Home Curtain
11-29-2020 Vera stepped outside about seven thirty and noticed the moon and clouds looked really nice so I went out and took this picture. I didn't do much today except watch football.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Flying and more Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving day we spent at home, Vera fixed a nice turkey dinner, I worked on the F-18 getting it ready for flying today and watched the football games.
This is the only other picture of an airplane I took today it is Jim taking off with I believe a Sukhoi.
The lenticular clouds formed over Mt Rainier this afternoon, that may be a sign of some rain coming.
Parker had friends up helping him clean up the logging debris. They had a pretty good fire going at times.
We had a nice visit with Mik and Michelle before they headed home. This is my plate of left overs they brought. It tasted great and Mik had made sausage stuffing that was excellent. Both Vera and I have enough left for another meal tomorrow. It has been a great Thanksgiving that lasted three days for us.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Early Thanksgiving Dinner
I had a busy morning, I made a recycling and pellet run right after breakfast. While Vera was at bible studay I glued the pilot into the F-18 while the glue was drying I asked Parker if I could put some limbs on his burn pile and he said "Yes, no problem". The cedar by the driveway limbs had gotten really dense by the road and making it hard to back the motor home in. To tell the truth I didn't realize there were so many limbs in there because I ended up with a heck of a pile.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
The Car is clean again
Monday, November 23, 2020
Late Night
They are working on a couple of miles of the road. We had to wait for a pilot car and then follow it down the muddy gravel road. The pilot car took off way faster than I or the pickup and trailer in front of me wanted to drive. The car needed washing anyway so it wasn't a big deal.
When we got home we discovered the tree service was falling Parker's trees.They fell ten trees, we got home in time to watch the last two. This evening we made another run to Fred Meyer, picked up our order and had blizzards at Dairy Queen before heading home. It has been a long time since we have been out and about this late.Saturday, November 21, 2020
Foggy Flying
I took this picture just as we were leaving and the ground fog was starting to form. It was a good day of flying now I am ready for more rain.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Motor Home Heater and a new Motor
I got the heater for the water compartment of the motor all finished today. Today was the only forecast dry day in sight and I had to get under the motor home to finish it, when the parts I had ordered from Amazon didn't show up as scheduled I dug around in the shop and found one thing I needed. I checked online and Fred Meyer had the other piece I needed so off we went. Since Dairy Queen is right across the street we had to stop for a blizzard before heading home. The job went pretty good and I was also able to get the wiring for the inverter installed. I will mount and hook it up on the next dry day.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Red Robin and a Thermostat
Of course there was a leak, I hadn't tightened the hose clamp on the thermostat housing tight enough. I marked the easiest bolt on the housing to get at. After tightening the hose clamp and filling the radiator again everything checked out great. This evening I got speakers hooked up to the TV in the motor home and it sounds much better to me.
We made a mail run, cruised around town a little, then picked up lunch at BK and went down to Lions Pride Park to eat. No fishermen today the water is too high.
This rainbow was the perfect end to our little outing. I spent the rest of the day installing some USB plugs in the motor home for charging things
Friday, November 13, 2020
It sure got dark in a hurry!
I spent a quiet day at home working on the F-18. Just before five Vera asked me if I wanted some biscuits and of course I did. I had just finished the first one when the power went out. After finding flashlights, Vera went back to reading on her Kindle and I had a couple of more biscuits. There was nothing I could do on the F-18 in the dark so I went out to the motor home, fired up the furnace, cranked up the antenna and watched TV until the power came back on about six thirty. I put another coat of paint on the F-18 battery hatch before calling it a night and going in to join Vera in the computer room.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Blueberries and the F-18
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Monday 11-9-2020
Tuesday 11-10-2020
We were up early again today and hit BK again on our way to Home Depot and Fred Meyer to do curbside pickups of our orders. On the way home I stopped at the post office and picked up an order with this canopy for the F-18. It is from a different kit but with a little more trimming it will work fine. I also got a coat of gloss clear sprayed on it after this picture was taken.Vera had bible study today, I finally got going after Lets Make a Deal was over and made a run to the post office to pick up another order. While I was in town I stopped at the Vault for a hot chocolate, I really like theirs and this is the first time I have had it since last year, mostly because they were closed by the Covid-19 restrictions. I did a little work on the motor home and then decided to mow because this is the last dry day for a while. It took a while to get all the leaves chopped up and blown off the lawn, there are not many left on the trees so this may be the last time I need to do it.
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Cold Weather Flying
I am pretty comfortable when flying with the bubble wrap insulation around and the propane heater under my chair.
Just before we left I put a test flight on Joel's PC-9 with new retracts in it. It flew great but when I lowered the landing gear the right main didn't come down. I cycled the gear again and it came down but fell off when the plane bounced on landing. I went around again and made a landing with just the two gear down and there was only minor damage.
We stopped at the South Lewis county park on the way home to finish our lunch. Right away this muscovy duck waddled over and begged by my window the whole time I was eating my sandwich.
I have been assembling and testing this heater to put in the water compartment of the motor home for the last couple of days. After we got home I hooked it all up because the forecast is for freezing weather the next few nights. Since I was dressed for the cold weather I had a great day of flying.
Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206
3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area. The camera had a hard time...

John Patrik's grandma Tami brought him down for a weekend visit, they came up today and we got to play with him. He is really a fr...
12-9-2024 My old cell phone had been acting up for awhile, the charge plug wouldn't always make contact and some times it wouldn't...
It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday. I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again. I...