Thursday, October 31, 2019

Kitfox and Halloween

10-27-2019 Enough leaves have fallen off the maples so we can see the sunsets a little better.  Today was a stay at home and rest day plus watching lots of football.
10-28-2019 I had an early dental appointment in Vancouver so we left two hours early and used the same back roads route that we used for going to Roadmaster and it worked great.  After my appointment we explored some more roads in the Battle Ground area.  The weather forecast was calling for freezing weather so I drained and put the outside hoses away.  Vera took this picture of the fuchsia that is still blooming while I was on the phone during the hose job.
I have been working this week on the mounts for the Kitfox's ailerons and they are almost done except for drilling the mounting holes.
Today I got the wing strut mounts made up and ready for the final smoothing.
This is how our table looked after we got it set up for the Trick of Treaters.  Ava brought us some cookies they had made on Wednesday so we sent her back with bags of candy for her and Harper since they probably would not be up here for Halloween
Debbie, Josh, Jordon and Jacob were our first Halloween visitors, Jordon was a dinosaur.  He went straight for the toys when they got there.  Vera showed him a box of Hot Wheels we had brought in from the shop and He packed them right over to the coffee table and played with them the whole time they were here.
Jacob was a giraffe, he really watched everything that was going on, I don't think it will be long until he is right on the middle of the action.
Jordon found the Reese's peanut butter cup in his bucket, one of his favorites, it is one of mine also.
Tor, Jillian and Bridget were our last Trick of Treaters, Tor headed right in to play with the Seahawks football.  We had a nice visit with Rick and Heather while the kids played.  That was about our normal number of visitors so we make sure there was plenty in their bags.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Dolan's Halloween Party

The first thing I noticed when we got there was the Spooky Trail.
The Frankenstein by the front door was pretty cute, they had everything decorated up so nice.
Right inside the door were ballots you could vote for best costume, most original costume and guess the number of candy corn in the glass.
There was lots of great food and delicious desserts to choose from.
James was there when we arrived, he was excited about there being a family Halloween party again.
Josh, Debbie and the kids looked so darn cute.  James did a great job of photo bombing them.
Vera and Debbie are visiting.
Laury had made up three collages of pictures from past parties, great memories.
David was mixing up Witches Brew or something for the kids to try, I knew I didn't want any when he added Uncle's bath water.
There were lots of games, corn curl toss, eyeball spoon relay, Halloween Bingo, Family Feud, Spoons and the Tissue Pull.  The tissue pull was a race to see who could pull all the tissue out of a box the fastest.  I took one picture just as they started and the second one a few seconds later.  When they finished you couldn't see the table.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth/Laury looked great and did a great job of organizing everything.  Everyone is looking forward to next year.
 I am sure getting my monies worth out of this hair, I got it for the Halloween Party in 1999.

Faro Field

This morning we went up to Faro Field to help take the sign down, they had already started when we got there but they were not too far along.
There is an event here each year with a different theme so a new sign will go up in the spring with a picture representing the year 1929.
The sign is down, on the trailer and ready to be hauled to the barn for disassembly.
This is Fletcher the owner of the property, he is a very pleasant person.
After the sign was disassembled we went over the covered bridge to the flying field.
I put in a flight and then watched Marc test fly a Gee Bee he got at a swap meet for $300.  It flew great and he decided it was a keeper.
I flew one more flight and loaded up as the wind came up and it was getting cold.  Sonny was getting ready to fly so we watched him for a little while before leaving.
This is the view as we came up to the covered bridge from the flying field side, it sure makes it a special place to fly.
The house is kept just like it was in 1933, it was used this summer for the filming of some scenes for the movie "Maysville".  Fletcher took Vera and I for a tour of the inside.
It had the same type of stove that Vera grew up with in Randle.
The radio still worked, Fletcher turned it on and tuned in a station playing forties songs.  There was a piano in the same room and Vera asked him if he played.  He said yes, he was a music major in college.  We found out later he is a concert pianist and has an orchestra.  It was a very enjoyable tour.  We stopped at Betty's for fish and chips then went down by the Cowlitz river in Toledo to eat.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Back to Roadmaster

At about noon today we headed back to Roadmaster to pick up the Smart Car.  I checked at the Office and they sent us to the Installation department to get it.  The installer showed me what had been done and then it was back to the Office to pay for it.  Everyone there was sure friendly and willing to help.
The three times we have been on 259th I have seen this Halloween decoration so today I took a picture of it as we headed home.
There is not much showing on the front of the car, if you look close you can see the plug for the wiring and the brackets on either side of the license plate but from a distance they are not noticeable.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Roadmaster Trip

I knew it was going to be a good day for our trip to Roadmaster when I saw the sunshine through the trees as I was fixing breakfast.
I got the Nikon and went out to take these two pictures.  It was so nice we took off shortly after breakfast for Roadmaster in Vancouver to have the base plate for towing the Smart Car installed.
After dropping off the car we headed for Costco, but first I made a stop at the Hobbytown across the street from Costco for a sheet of plywood.  Vera liked the colorful painting and wanted a picture of it.
The Costco parking lot is pretty colorful with all the trees a nice bright red.
We had a picnic in the parking lot after we were done shopping with some of the things we got.  The smoked salmon spread was really good on crackers, I would buy it again!
Of course when we finished lunch I had to stop at Krispy Kreme which is also across the street from Costco and got a filled donut for dessert.
Vera spotted this barn on NE 72nd Ave. on the way down so we stopped and took a picture of it on the way home.  Turning off at the Ridgefield exit and taking NE 72nd Ave. to Costco is sure a lot more relaxing than taking I5 and 205, plus the scenery is much more interesting.

Vera's Pictures

Today I worked on the Kitfox adding reinforcements for the aileron hinges to mount on.  I also got the mount finished for the tail wheel, the build is coming along pretty good, I shouldn't have any problem finishing it before the Winter Build Challenge in May.  This evening I downloaded Vera's camera to check out the sunset she wanted to take a picture of.  I found lots of neat pictures she had taken since the last time I down loaded them.

All summer long Vera thought the Hydrangea had been ruined by the heat but it looks pretty good now.
This is our Japanese Maple, it sure looks nice this year.  This is my favorite picture of this batch.
Our blueberries are all starting to turn color, this one that gets lots of sun is the brightest.
The walnut tree adds some color to the South end of the yard.
This is one of the blueberries on the East side of the house that doesn't get much sun so just a small part of it has started changing.
Whenever we look out the windows toward the driveway we see this beautiful tree that Dianne has planted over by the play fort.
These maples add a splash of color to the fir trees down by Jason's place.
The blueberries East of the house have changed a little more.  I am going to trim the rhododendrons in the spring to give them a little more room. 
I almost fell on the back deck while going down the steps to the lower level when a rotten board broke.  I replaced it on the 21st and Vera took a picture of it on the 22nd.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...