Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Catching up Again

 This catching up is getting to be a habit, but I will try and do better.


Since Bev was up watching Jordon and Jacob we all got together at the Oasis for lunch.  Vera was the first one to get her phone out and take some pictures.
The Oasis had coloring books for the boys to play with.
Vera had a little problem taking her pictures so Michelle gave her a lesson.
It was a great lunch and afterwards James took a selfie of the group.


A lady from Yakima called me yesterday asking about the Smart Car.  Today her, a son and grandson came over to check it out.  After test driving it, they bought it and towed it home.
Part of the reason we sold it was because we had only put 2000 miles on it during the four years we had it.  It did get towed 6000 miles during our two trips to Arizona but that doesn't register on the odometer.


I have been working on this Tipsy (odd name but it is from Germany) that I got at an estate sale.  I wanted it because James flew one a lot when he was learning.


As I walked out of the shop tonight the sun was just setting so I took several pictures.  This one is my favorite.  Not much else going on here, I have been working on a couple of helicopters and the Tipsy.


James came up for a visit and we had to show him our new tool, a Grandpa's Weeder.


James come up today and cleaned and washed all the gutters.

He also did the doors and all the windows.  Boy that sure saves me a lot of work, plus I don't have to get up on the ladder.  The back side was really bad because they have not been done since they were put in.


I had a physical therapy appointment this morning.  After having the Hammer Toe corrected and then having an ingrown toenail removed my left leg has never gotten back it's strength.  My doctor made a referral and after the appointment I have a set of exercises to do each day.  After the appointment we ate at Arby's and then did some shopping at Safeway.  Now we are waiting for the chocolate chip, raisin, oatmeal cookies to come out of the oven.  OK, they are out and really good!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Catching Up


It was really hot today, close to 100 degrees.  James came up to escape the heat and we spent the afternoon visiting in the air conditioned shop and house.

I have been working on the Smart Car roof and finally got done painting it.

I saw this buck and doe as I went out to lock the shop tonight.  It seems like they come by to browse on things about once a week. 


I lost a good friend today.  Sam and I have been good buddies for many years.

We went up to Faro Field to fly today.  Our set up with the pop up over the tail gate worked great.
Sonny is getting one of his planes ready to fly.  I had been messaging with him on Facebook so I knew he would be flying also.
This is the club president Jeff flying, it was a beautiful day.  There were only 4 radio control flyers out today along with one guy flying control line.  We headed home about 2:00 when it started getting warm.  After dodging a few STP bike riders we went over and took Jackson Hwy home.
After we got home, Vera happen to notice this deer eating by one of our rhododendrons.  The first picture I took it had it's head in the bushes so we couldn't see the horn but it turned to leave right after that and I took this picture.

Today I got the Smart Car out and took pictures so we can list it on Facebook Market Place.
It will be a package deal with everything needed to tow it.

I had a doctors appointment this morning, of course I ended up with two referrals.  One for PT on my left leg that has never gotten back from the foot issues I had last year.  The other one is to dermatology for a check.  After I was done at Kaiser we had lunch at the Country Folks Deli.  Then we stopped by and had a great visit with Mik, Michelle and James before doing a little shopping at Safeway.

While I was watering today I took a couple of pictures of the roses that are in bloom by the back deck.

When we were at Mik, Michelle and James the other day I talked about using my weight machine.  James thought about how cluttered it was getting back to it and came up today and cleared a path to it.  Then he helped me clean up and put things away that I used on the Smart Car.
Vera has been sorting some of her clothes so today we drove up to Chehalis and donated them to the Visiting Nurses.  Jackson Hwy was closed a couple of miles before Chehalis so we ended up on a detour in the hills East of Chehalis.  It is pretty country that we have never seen before.  The detour ended up coming out on the North side of Chehalis not far from the Visiting Nurses store.  The donation area didn't open until 10 so we ended up wandering around Harbor Freight.  Naturally we soon found some things we needed and it only cost us $40 to get out of there!  After donating the clothes, we decided to make it a scenic ride home through Napavine and eat at Arby's on the way.  We ran into another closed road so we ended up out by Adna and drove by where Vera's mother used to live.  The house is gone now and a new one has been built.  We also drove by Marie's property that she donated to the Habitat for Humanity.  It was nice to see 3 new houses there now.  Next we tried the Twin Oaks Rd which connected with the Pleasant Valley Rd that goes past the Faro Field flying site.  There was no one flying so we continued on to Napavine and finally had lunch at Arby's.  After driving by some friends new place to look at it we cruised by the Lewis County flying field but there was no one there either.  It turned out to be a very enjoyable ride and the weather was perfect all day.

Well, all I have done today is edit some pictures and work on my blog

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hattie's Birthday


We went to Hattie's first birthday party today, this is the sign they had hung over the door.

The cake Laury had made for Hattie.
We had a good time visiting with everyone before the party started.  Boy they had good hot dogs, I would like to know where they got them.
When they put Hattie in the decorated high chair to start the party, I got this picture of Emmy's hand and phone as she took Hattie's picture.
This is the one I took right after I got Emmy's hand.
Hattie is loading up her thumb with frosting for another taste.
She was very neat and did not end up with much on her face.
This is my picture of the present opening.  I didn't realize until I edited the pictures for the blog that our present of the stuffed animal was on the end of the table.

I had James go over and take this family photo of Dan, Hattie and Emmy.  We had a great time, then went home and listened to fireworks the rest of the day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday.  I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again.  I took this picture on June 27th as I came out of the shop that evening. 
I had an early dental appointment this morning, nothing serious just a cleaning.  Afterwards we did a little shopping before heading home.  James stopped by this afternoon for a visit.  He ended up finishing up trimming around the house and shop.  I had started doing it a couple of days ago but only made it about half way around the shop before my back said we were done.  We both feel the trimmer needs bigger wheels for our rough lawn so I ordered some tonight.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...