Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hattie's Birthday


We went to Hattie's first birthday party today, this is the sign they had hung over the door.

The cake Laury had made for Hattie.
We had a good time visiting with everyone before the party started.  Boy they had good hot dogs, I would like to know where they got them.
When they put Hattie in the decorated high chair to start the party, I got this picture of Emmy's hand and phone as she took Hattie's picture.
This is the one I took right after I got Emmy's hand.
Hattie is loading up her thumb with frosting for another taste.
She was very neat and did not end up with much on her face.
This is my picture of the present opening.  I didn't realize until I edited the pictures for the blog that our present of the stuffed animal was on the end of the table.

I had James go over and take this family photo of Dan, Hattie and Emmy.  We had a great time, then went home and listened to fireworks the rest of the day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday.  I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again.  I took this picture on June 27th as I came out of the shop that evening. 
I had an early dental appoint this morning, nothing serious just a cleaning.  Afterwards we did a little shopping before heading home.  James stopped by this afternoon for a visit.  He ended up finishing up trimming around the house and shop.  I had started doing it a couple of days ago but only made it about half way around the shop before my back said we were done.  We both feel the trimmer needs bigger wheels for our rough lawn so I ordered some tonight.

Hattie's Birthday

  We went to Hattie's first birthday party today, this is the sign they had hung over the door. The cake Laury had made for Hattie. We h...