Friday, May 5, 2023

Keeping Busy

I have been busy making changes to the van and have not felt like doing pictures in the evening.  I have been taking pictures so I will be able to post what has gone on the last month or so.  The toe has worked out great and I usually walk about a mile or more each day according to my pedometer.  Thunder, Lightening and rain is keeping me inside so I guess I will work on the blog.


I noticed the moon looked really bright tonight as I came in from the shop so I got Vera's camera and took some pictures.


We had the biggest hail today that I have ever seen.  I got my phone and took a few pictures out the door.  The hail was hitting the deck and then bouncing six inches or more up in the air.
When I closed the door I noticed the hail had bounced inside onto the rug.
It didn't take long for the hail to build up quite a bit.
Of course right afterwards the sun came out.  The total time from when it started until the sun came out was twenty minutes.  I talked to several other people and a mile up the road there was none, it was a really localized event.

Over the last week or so I have been planning and collecting parts for a pullout tray to put in the Caravan.  I found some ball bearing drawer slides that would extend out five feet and are rated to hold five hundred pounds.  This is the frame with the slides bolted to it as I painted it.

Last year this plum tree got hit with a late frost and we never got a single plum off of it.  This year it looks like I may have to do some pruning if the limbs get overloaded.
We went to Jordon and Jacob's T-Ball game today, this is Jacob his first time at bat.
Here he is running from third base to home plate.
This is Jordon on second base.
Jordon is starting his run to home plate.
Debbie had to be a coach so Jacob could play.  Every kid on the field ran to get the ball when it was hit.
A four year old's attention span isn't really very long, he had thrown his mitt away and was wandering around.  He even made a visit to the other team's dugout.  These games are sure a lot of fun to watch.

I had a doctor's appointment today, afterwards we picked up some parts for the slide out tray at Home Depot.  We had never eaten at the Fiesta Bonita Mexican Grill & Cantina in Kelso before so we had an early dinner there.


James stopped by today and we had a great visit with him.


This is the picture of Josie Laury sent me today.
James came up and we fixed a leaking oil filter.  Dianne brought him the Easter sack they had for him and we had a nice time talking with them.
I have the pullout tray done enough that I could set a couple of models on it to see how things fit.
This is the side view with it pulled out.  I am not going to have to crawl inside to get anything.
I left enough room in the front for a few things.  I was able to use J-bolts hooked to the seat mounts to fasten it down.  I just have to take two nuts off, remove the brackets and I can take the whole tray out, provided James is here to help.

It was a beautiful sunny day and Laury sent me this picture of Josie with her sunglasses on.
It was so nice I got the lawn mowed today.

Yesterday was 86 degrees and we spent most of the day inside.  Today the forecast was for about 10 degrees cooler so we went flying.  I did some checking and I hadn't been up to the field since November 15th.  There was a pretty good turn out of I believe fourteen flyers.  The club had a short meeting in the afternoon.  It sure felt good to get out and fly again.
Mt St Helens showed up good all day, you can see from the windsock that there was a direct crosswind most of the day.  I sure enjoyed shooting touch and goes in it.
James came up today and helped me take out the two cascara trees on the East side of the shop.  When James and I were talking to Dianne the other day she mentioned hating all the leaves they put down in the fall.  I have an issue with them getting in the carport and on the cars so I decided it was time for them to go.
We are rigging up a strap so we can be sure the tree goes toward the road.  It did, one earlier went a little off from what we planned but didn't cause any damage.  We got about half of the debris hauled away today.

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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...