Friday, October 7, 2022

P-40 Test Flight

I took this picture last night after I got all the planes loaded in the motor home.  There are three more that don't really show in the picture.

As usual I got the Skylane out and put the first flight of the day in with it.  I shot lots of touch and goes plus did a few aerobatics.  The conditions were perfect, very light winds and the fog cleared off before I was all set up.
My second flight was with the P- 40 Warhawk.  I was surprised by how fast it was, I tried one loop and got about a three turn spin before I got it straightened out.  It turns out the elevator throws were not even.  My other test flight of the Delta ended up knocking the motor off on a minor bump without getting in the air.  I was surprised that I had not done any reinforcement of the motor mount with carbon fiber.
I had changed out the bad rudder servo and made some adjustments to the ailerons of the Fokker DR-1.  It's test flight went good with just minor trim adjustments needed while flying.
I had a great flight with the Tigercat.  I looped, rolled and did some stall tests.  Then I played with the flaps and shot a couple of landings.  By two it was getting pretty warm and the wind had come up as forecast so we packed up and headed home.

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