I haven't done much this week to post about. I puttered in the shop, watched it rain and checked on the gutter guards to see if they were working. They seem to be doing their job as even the granules off the shingles don't go into the gutters. Wednesday I had a dental appointment. I was really excited because there were none on my schedule for the rest of the year. That didn't last long, my dentist made a referral to a specialist on gums. Then I got a call from the dermatologist that she had made a referral also to a MOS clinic. Friday I got the Halloween bags made up, washed the motor home and car. I also moved one of our security cameras to a different spot.
Today we went flying at Toledo, it was the last day without rain for the next seven days. It was pretty foggy when we got there but I had two helicopters with me so after I got setup I flew them until it was clear enough for the planes. I haven't had this Super Cub out for over a year so it was the first airplane flight of the day. Right off the bat I couldn't remember how the battery was supposed to go in. I finally forced it in but when I sat the plane on the ground the hatch fell off so I flew without it. I discovered later that I was putting the battery in backwards. The flight went fine without the battery hatch. Some boys from the neighbor hood came over and I had a good time visiting with them and showing them how things worked. They noticed my electric screwdriver that looks like a gun and had a great time playing with it. That is probably why the battery ran down as I was taking planes apart to leave. Two other flyers showed up during the day and I had a nice visit with them.After everyone left (No Peer Pressure) I got the Paramotor out to try it again. With Vera helping me it only took four tries to get it in the air today. It is really sensitive to any cross winds on takeoff. After I got it trimmed out it was so slow and stable that I could set the transmitter on my chair and take pictures as it flew by.I had a great time with the Tigercat and Skylane today. When I flew the Tigercat for the boys they wanted to see more aerobatics. I told them it was a scale plane with limited flight envelope and was more for watching as it flew by.
The Super Cub was the last flight of the day. It may not look like it in the picture but it was dark enough that the lights showed up pretty good in the air.
As I was putting things away the sun was setting so I took this picture.
This is how it looked as we were getting ready to head home. I had a great day, I flew seven different models and got in fifteen flights.