Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Another Fred Meyer pickup

We were up early this morning to pick up a grocery order at Fred Meyer.  We stopped at Home Depot on the way so I could return a couple breakers.  As we were waiting for our order at Fred Meyer Vera commented that the sky looked nice so I took this picture.  The young man who brought the order was very friendly and had us loaded up in no time.  We are liking this kind of shopping more every time we use it.  Normally we figure on shopping trips taking three or four hours, today we were home in under two hours.
Vera made these for lunch with leftovers and they tasted great! They were so  good we had them for dinner as well.
I started sanding on the bottom of the Kitfox wing today.  I decided after just a little sanding that I don't like finishing under cambered wings.  I had to go back and redo some of my blogs that the pictures had disappeared from.  I understand Blogspot had some problems a while back.

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