Monday, September 30, 2019
Good News!
Yep, good news this morning, no cavities! I had an early morning dental cleaning and checkup today. This afternoon we got one side of the storage container painted, it looks much better than the blue it was. If you look close at the picture I got the plane that checks the pipeline once a week in it.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
LCRC Barbecue
Vera took this picture of the apple tree we can see from the living room window. It is really loaded this year.
This is a screen capture from the Smart Car's dash cam as we arrived at the field for the barbecue today.
There was a pretty good turn out considering how threatening the clouds were plus it was fairly cold, I think Vera counted fourteen cars. I took one of my small planes and three batteries but only put in two flights, one before lunch and one after.
I drove up to the barbecue area and Audrey acted like she was going to pick up the front end and move us. The wind came up after lunch so we left right after my last flight.
Vera spotted this sunset through the trees and we got this picture of it.
This is a screen capture from the Smart Car's dash cam as we arrived at the field for the barbecue today.
There was a pretty good turn out considering how threatening the clouds were plus it was fairly cold, I think Vera counted fourteen cars. I took one of my small planes and three batteries but only put in two flights, one before lunch and one after.
I drove up to the barbecue area and Audrey acted like she was going to pick up the front end and move us. The wind came up after lunch so we left right after my last flight.
Vera spotted this sunset through the trees and we got this picture of it.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Country Roads and WBC
After picking up the mail we went for a little ride. Country roads are sure pretty and peaceful to drive on. We went over to the Wren Loop road to check out the repair to a wash out that happened a couple of years ago and they just got it repaired. It looked good and was smooth as we drove across it
This is my Winter Build Challenge project for the year. It is a quarter scale Kitfox that will have an 87 inch wing span. It was given to me by a friend when he got cancer and wanted to see it fly. He passed away so quickly that I never had a chance to do anything to it. It has been sitting in the shop for a couple of years so I decided it would be this years build.
The plans were drawn in 1996 so I am not sure how old the kit is but the workmanship on it is excellent. I will try and match the quality of his work.
This is my Winter Build Challenge project for the year. It is a quarter scale Kitfox that will have an 87 inch wing span. It was given to me by a friend when he got cancer and wanted to see it fly. He passed away so quickly that I never had a chance to do anything to it. It has been sitting in the shop for a couple of years so I decided it would be this years build.
The plans were drawn in 1996 so I am not sure how old the kit is but the workmanship on it is excellent. I will try and match the quality of his work.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
James' Birthday Pizza
We went to birthday pizza with James, Michelle and Malik this evening. We had James' favorite Papa Pete's Combination pizza, two of them so there was plenty to take home.
James and Michelle after dinner, we had a great time talking about past adventures.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
9-22-2019 We went to church this morning, one of the members turned fifty today so they had cake for him. Then I came home and watched football, the Seahawks did not have a good day.
9-23-2019 I started priming the facia boards that were put on when the shop was roofed.
Monday evening we went to the Dolan's for Emmy's birthday party. Of course everyone wanted a picture of the cousins.
I got the roof all done before calling it a day. It has been a busy couple of days but I have enjoyed it and things look so much better.
9-23-2019 I started priming the facia boards that were put on when the shop was roofed.
Monday evening we went to the Dolan's for Emmy's birthday party. Of course everyone wanted a picture of the cousins.
Emmy is turning twenty eight, boy time sure flies!
9-25-2019 I have been painting the facia boards on the shop the last couple of days. James came up for a while this afternoon and we fixed a fender liner that was rubbing on the tire of his car. Then I finished painting the facia boards brown. It was so nice out I decided to paint the roof of the storage container white. It gets really hot on a sunny day, once when we went in the glass thermometer was clear to the top. We didn't spend much time in there that day.I got the roof all done before calling it a day. It has been a busy couple of days but I have enjoyed it and things look so much better.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Instrument Shop Lunch
This is most of the former instrument repairmen who showed up for our quarterly lunch at the 49er. A couple of guys had left early but I think there was seventeen or eighteen people there. I did a little paint scraping on the shop this morning but after the long day of it Friday I decided to rest this afternoon.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Flying and Painting
The fog had lifted to a couple of hundred feet when I started flying today. I didn't have any trouble making the plane disappear into it, then spin down out of it.
We were surprised that there ended up being a dozen people there. The sun came out about noon and everyone started shedding their coats.
I think Joey is a little put out with Doug for tying him to the benches while he flew.
With the Intruder in the shop we used the Mitsubishi and I brought three of my smaller planes. The Electrastreak on the right with the wing off is over twenty years old.
We stopped at Betty's in Toledo for lunch and then took Jackson Hwy home. This is the view from the Exit 57 overpass on our way home.
I have been wanting to repaint the shop door frame for a couple of years so I started scraping it when we got home. Just after I finished it, Doug stopped by with the chair I had left at the field. We had a nice visit with him about the Damon motor home he had.
After I finished scraping all of the shop eaves I could reach I put a coat of Kilz primer on them.
I have the ladder clamped to the shop with a couple of C-clamps so it is safer than it looks.
I did some scraping and caulking on the roof before going in to watch Thursday Night Football.
I have been wanting to repaint the shop door frame for a couple of years so I started scraping it when we got home. Just after I finished it, Doug stopped by with the chair I had left at the field. We had a nice visit with him about the Damon motor home he had.
After I finished scraping all of the shop eaves I could reach I put a coat of Kilz primer on them.
I have the ladder clamped to the shop with a couple of C-clamps so it is safer than it looks.
I did some scraping and caulking on the roof before going in to watch Thursday Night Football.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
National Cheeseburger Day
Today was National Cheeseburger Day, Burgerville had their original cheeseburger on sale for one dollar. So we headed down to Kelso about 10:30 to have lunch.
There was a heck of a crowd, I counted at least a dozen people working behind the counter. There was a limit of five per transaction so that is what I got plus a chocolate milkshake. They are a pretty good burger for a buck, I can see why there was a crowd. When I was in the shop this morning I remembered thinking I should get that today at Harbor Freight but I couldn't remember what it was. I went in and wandered around picking a half a dozen other things then I finally remember it was marine heat shrink tubing I needed. The clerk and I had a good laugh when I showed her what I came for and what I ended up with. We took the Smart Car through the car wash for the first time then came home on Delameter Valley road. We spent the rest of the day puttering around here.
I got a little camera that would do time lapse, here is a short video of my first attempts.
There was a heck of a crowd, I counted at least a dozen people working behind the counter. There was a limit of five per transaction so that is what I got plus a chocolate milkshake. They are a pretty good burger for a buck, I can see why there was a crowd. When I was in the shop this morning I remembered thinking I should get that today at Harbor Freight but I couldn't remember what it was. I went in and wandered around picking a half a dozen other things then I finally remember it was marine heat shrink tubing I needed. The clerk and I had a good laugh when I showed her what I came for and what I ended up with. We took the Smart Car through the car wash for the first time then came home on Delameter Valley road. We spent the rest of the day puttering around here.
I got a little camera that would do time lapse, here is a short video of my first attempts.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Missing it already and the wall
We took the motor home down to have the roof replaced this morning. We are already missing it every time we look out in the driveway. While I was cleaning and rearranging in the shop I found a charged up battery for the new quad so I went outside and put in a flight.
Vera had an early dental appointment today. It was really stormy all the way down and while I was waiting. I had subscribed to Motor Home Magazine when we got the Intruder, I was able to finish reading it while Vera was in Kaiser.
After her appointment we went to the Pancake House for breakfast. They have lots of things on the walls that I always enjoy looking at or reading.
As usual I could only finish half of my french toast so I got a box and I will have a great breakfast again tomorrow. We took the slow way home after a stop at Wheeler's RV to tell them another thing I wanted done. As we came along Pleasant Hill Rd. we came across the PUD crew restoring the power to Pleasant Hill and part of Castle Rock. We spent the rest of the day puttering around home.
We took the motor home down to have the roof replaced this morning. We are already missing it every time we look out in the driveway. While I was cleaning and rearranging in the shop I found a charged up battery for the new quad so I went outside and put in a flight.
Vera had an early dental appointment today. It was really stormy all the way down and while I was waiting. I had subscribed to Motor Home Magazine when we got the Intruder, I was able to finish reading it while Vera was in Kaiser.
After her appointment we went to the Pancake House for breakfast. They have lots of things on the walls that I always enjoy looking at or reading.
As usual I could only finish half of my french toast so I got a box and I will have a great breakfast again tomorrow. We took the slow way home after a stop at Wheeler's RV to tell them another thing I wanted done. As we came along Pleasant Hill Rd. we came across the PUD crew restoring the power to Pleasant Hill and part of Castle Rock. We spent the rest of the day puttering around home.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Bikes and Football
Saturday we ran down to Fred Meyer for a few things, then we stopped by Mik, Michelle and James' to show them the Smart Car. We had a good time showing them all about it and it's new radio. I even forgot to show them a couple of the features of it. From there we headed up to the Castle Rock Bike Park to watch the annual Bike Park Blowout.
Going off this hill and over a series of jumps seemed to be really popular with the kids, there was always several up there waiting.
One of the volunteers came out to us and said there were free hot dogs available so we had lunch there. It was one of the best hot dogs I have had for quite awhile. We also got free chips and water.
I was impressed by these little kids riding on the elevated board walks that I would be nervous walking on. I never saw any of them fall.
For each one of the stations the kids rode they got a sticker on their helmet, once they had fifteen stickers they got a medal.
I think we had the most fun watching the little kids. The girl with the pink helmet on the balance bike looked about three and was really zooming around the course.
Today we went to Church, then I watched the DVR recording of the Seahawks win and then several other games I had recorded. I did take one short break and did some cleaning in the shop.
Going off this hill and over a series of jumps seemed to be really popular with the kids, there was always several up there waiting.
One of the volunteers came out to us and said there were free hot dogs available so we had lunch there. It was one of the best hot dogs I have had for quite awhile. We also got free chips and water.
I was impressed by these little kids riding on the elevated board walks that I would be nervous walking on. I never saw any of them fall.
For each one of the stations the kids rode they got a sticker on their helmet, once they had fifteen stickers they got a medal.
I think we had the most fun watching the little kids. The girl with the pink helmet on the balance bike looked about three and was really zooming around the course.
Today we went to Church, then I watched the DVR recording of the Seahawks win and then several other games I had recorded. I did take one short break and did some cleaning in the shop.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Getting ready for the roof job
Well we spent three months loading the motor home and today we unloaded it in three or four hours. We are taking it in to have the roof replaced next Monday so we got all the stuff we use regularly out. I put the smaller planes, batteries and transmitters in the shop where it is cooler. The cargo container really heats up when the sun hits it and that is not good for the batteries.
The bigger planes that would not fit in the Mitsubishi got stored in the cargo container. With Vera's help and suggestions the job went pretty good.
The bigger planes that would not fit in the Mitsubishi got stored in the cargo container. With Vera's help and suggestions the job went pretty good.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
We went flying at Toledo today, this is what I flew today except for the Sukhoi which I never did put the wings on. I put the GPS tracker in the Vortex and got a top speed reading of 119 Mph.
Mt Rainier had these cloud layers around it all day. It was a nice day but got a little windy in the afternoon.
There is very little snow on Mt St Helens, I zoomed up on the full sized image and only found a couple of small patches of snow. I had a great time visiting with everyone today, there was lots of stories and laughter.
After we got home we ran down to Burger King for dinner and then went to Lions Pride park to see if the KGW truck was still there. It wasn't so we ate and watched the sunset. It was a relaxing end to a great day.
Mt Rainier had these cloud layers around it all day. It was a nice day but got a little windy in the afternoon.
There is very little snow on Mt St Helens, I zoomed up on the full sized image and only found a couple of small patches of snow. I had a great time visiting with everyone today, there was lots of stories and laughter.
After we got home we ran down to Burger King for dinner and then went to Lions Pride park to see if the KGW truck was still there. It wasn't so we ate and watched the sunset. It was a relaxing end to a great day.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Good Bye Ladder
It was much nicer weather today with some pretty looking cloud formations drifting by.
It was nice enough to work outside so I took the ladder off the motor home. I used it once and it was kind of scary. It was also in the way when I came around this end of the motor home. We both think it looks much better without it.
It was nice enough to work outside so I took the ladder off the motor home. I used it once and it was kind of scary. It was also in the way when I came around this end of the motor home. We both think it looks much better without it.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Molding and Rainbow
First thing this morning we ran down to Wheeler's RV to check on a couple of things I want done to the motor home next week. We made a quick stop at Safeway for a few things and headed home. Just as we were unloading UPS showed up with the molding to finish the motor home counter. The installation went great and it looks much better now.
I don't think I ever posted a picture of the dinette area after we added a picture of my ride in the P-51. After adding a few things like this it seems like home in there.
It was sure crazy weather today, raining when we went to town. Then sunny and I had to turn on the air conditioner while I worked on the counter. Later in the afternoon we had thunder and downpours so we ended up with over an inch of rain before the day was over. Vera took this picture of the rainbow after one of the rain storms. I finished up the day watching Monday Night Football.
I don't think I ever posted a picture of the dinette area after we added a picture of my ride in the P-51. After adding a few things like this it seems like home in there.
It was sure crazy weather today, raining when we went to town. Then sunny and I had to turn on the air conditioner while I worked on the counter. Later in the afternoon we had thunder and downpours so we ended up with over an inch of rain before the day was over. Vera took this picture of the rainbow after one of the rain storms. I finished up the day watching Monday Night Football.
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Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206
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It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday. I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again. I...