We headed out fairly early this morning, the first thing I did was unload the mower, that took a few minutes, I tried to back up and it would not go! I checked the brake and tried again, still no go, then I realized the front tie down was still hooked! After I told Vera, took the picture, I make a couple of passes around the tables and put it away. Guy showed up and I had a nice visit with him before getting my planes set up. Then Bob showed up and I showed him the camera. He liked it and got some good pictures with it by the end of the day. Dale showed up next with a Skylane I had for a while, but never finished and I have been waiting to see it fly.
It turned out great and he put several flights on it today.
Galen showed up next with a new Waco biplane.
It is powered by a 77 cc 7 cylinder 4 stroke radial.
I got to do the test flight, it flew and sounded great! It only needed a couple of clicks of aileron trim! I got in a bunch of flights today, I flew the P-51 five times, the Bonaza three or four flights, the Cessna once, the Mosquito once and last but not least, Mario once.
Mario's flight was really exciting, all over the sky, flying knife edge when I was trying to fly level, I finally got it level just as it touched down and no damage was done. The flight only lasted about 20 seconds, but it seemed like minutes to me! After everyone had left but Bob, Vera and I, we visited, flew a few more flights and ate dinner before leaving.