Monday, July 30, 2012

Winter Wood

After our walk this morning we went to 4 Corners Farm Store and bought a ton and a half of wood pellets.  By 10:30 we had them all stacked in the wood shed and then I started working on reinforcing the porch.  When things quit going my way on that project, I took a break and mowed the lawn.
When I finished that, I sprayed some weeds, filled the ponds, put algacide in the bigger pond and watered some plants.  Our wild flower mix that we had planted by the pond is starting to bloom and the water lilies are continuing to bloom, so it is looking good.  I finally ran out of excuses, so I went back to working on the porch.  I did not get done, but reached a good stopping point for the day.  We watched some more Olympics, then I came in to edit pictures and do my blogs, now it is off to bed so I can get up in time to walk tomorrow.

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