Saturday, July 7, 2012

Time to get caught up.

Thursday July 5th
No picture today.  After our walk, I decided to clean up inside the motor home as I was having trouble finding things.  I got some areas reorganized, washed up the rugs, then washed and waxed the floor.  The van has been looking pretty scroungy, so I got out the bucket and washed it while the wax was drying.

Friday July 6th
 It was the nicest morning for a walk, no jacket or vest needed.  We went right to Longview afterwards as we had several errands to run.  Of course we forgot one thing, maybe next time!  We had a nice lunch at the Country Village, I had Carrot Cake Ala mode!  After we got home, I went back to work on the motor home and got things arranged pretty nicely.  I also got all loaded for flying on Saturday.

Saturday July 7th
The first Saturday of each month the Methodist Men have a breakfast at the church.  This morning I remembered it, so I went before flying.  Biscuits and Gravy, Ham, Quiche  and Waffles are much more than I normally have for breakfast, but they were great!  I wasn't hungry for quite awhile at the flying field.  I had a good day of flying, which means, no crashes even though I had a couple of equipment malfunctions!  The rudder servo on my SU-29 quit in the air, but I landed OK.  I bounced a landing with the Super Cub and one of the bungees broke, and as I was getting ready to fly the SU-31 I noticed some loose covering where the wind could get under it and make it tear off.  I flew anyhow, but I was pretty careful not to go very fast.  I got all of them repaired this evening so I am ready for the next session.
On the way home I noticed lots of farmers taking advantage of the warm weather to do their haying.

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