Friday, September 17, 2010

Football Friday

No twins at Dianne's today so I got quite a few things done in the shop. James had a game at 3:30 today. We went down early to run an errand and then went to the school early to get a good parking spot. We saw the bus from Cascade pull in and the rain started at the same time.

James 33 got lots of playing time, he played middle linebacker, guard, quarterback and was on the kick return team.

He was getting into the backfield when playing middle linebacker. He helped create 3 fumbles and I am not sure how many tackles he made.

Here he is making a pitch to the running back. He also got to carry the ball up the middle once for a good gain.

Mik is assisting with the coaching. James was really happy after the game. We went to Bruno's for pizza afterwards and had a good time rehashing the game.

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