Tuesday, January 24, 2023

A Busy Week so far!


I had a Covid test scheduled at Peace Health this morning.  It was pretty easy, drive up to the sign, call the posted number to check in, then wait for the two cars ahead of us.  The nurse came out and checked my ID, swabbed my nose and we were free to go.  This afternoon I got ambitious and cleared one trail where a bunch of fir limbs had came down during the storms.


I had a follow up dermatology appointment this morning for the blisters on my leg.  There have been no new blisters since my last appointment so the doctor feels the BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID is in remission and I can stop taking the antibiotics.  After my appointment we stopped at Safeway for some Pepsi and managed to spend over two hundred dollars.  I am well stocked up with snacks now.  I found out this evening that my Covid test is negative so I am good to go for surgery Thursday.

OK, I didn't take a picture today so I went back and got one from ten years ago of Ava, Harper and Rielee playing with magnets out in my shop.

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