Our neighbor Jim got the trees he had fallen for me hauled out today. I heard the loader running but I was not up to walking down there yet so Vera went down and took these pictures for me.They had them all piled down by the fence line when Vera took the pictures. Several logs were in good shape and Jim was going to take them down to Bob Roller's saw mill to be sawed into lumber.Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Happy Tuesday, Logs and First Flight
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Toe Surgery, Blazer, James and Josie
This is Vera as we left Dairy Queen, she gets to do all the driving for a few days.
Riding in the right seat meant I could look at a lot of things I don't normally see. It wasn't long before I had Vera's phone out taking pictures. This picture is taken from Pleasant Hill Rd looking towards Headquarters Rd.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
A Busy Week so far!
I had a Covid test scheduled at Peace Health this morning. It was pretty easy, drive up to the sign, call the posted number to check in, then wait for the two cars ahead of us. The nurse came out and checked my ID, swabbed my nose and we were free to go. This afternoon I got ambitious and cleared one trail where a bunch of fir limbs had came down during the storms.
I had a follow up dermatology appointment this morning for the blisters on my leg. There have been no new blisters since my last appointment so the doctor feels the BULLOUS PEMPHIGOID is in remission and I can stop taking the antibiotics. After my appointment we stopped at Safeway for some Pepsi and managed to spend over two hundred dollars. I am well stocked up with snacks now. I found out this evening that my Covid test is negative so I am good to go for surgery Thursday.
OK, I didn't take a picture today so I went back and got one from ten years ago of Ava, Harper and Rielee playing with magnets out in my shop.Saturday, January 21, 2023
Vera's new phone and MRRCS
I had to include this picture Laury sent me of Josie, it is so darn cute!1-16-2023
I had my Pre-Op appointment today at St John's, then we stopped at T-Mobile to get an issue with my phone straightened out, funny how one setting can make a difference. After our favorite Roast Beef and Swiss Sandwiches for lunch at Arby's we headed home. Not long after we got home James came up with a load of pellets for me. We had a great visit with him before he unloaded the pellets. I got the new T-Mobile cell phone that Vera will be using pretty well set up today.
I went out and took some pictures with Vera's new phone today. This is the one I set up for the wallpaper.1-20-2023
James stopped by to visit today and ended up showing Vera how to work some features on her new phone.A young man made one flight while the sun was out and I stuck around to watch it as the SAAB Gripen is one of my favorite planes. We had snow hitting the windshield most of the way home.
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
A sunny day
I had an appointment with a podiatrist this morning for my ingrown toenail and hammer toe. After he explained the options to me I decided on the one that requires surgery but is a permanent fix. Now I just have to wait for Kaiser's approval and get it scheduled.
I had been watching the weekend's football games on YouTube but I was ready for a break so I went out and got a flight on the helicopter. After that I went over to Steve and Dianne's to get a battery that needed repair from Steve. I had a nice visit there and Dianne sent me home with a short story written by Sherry Chastain about growing up on Abalone Hill. I got the battery repaired for Steve with my new spot welder. Now I am charging it to make sure it works OK.
It was a nice sunny day so we went for a ride to get the mail and then hit the A&W at Space Age for a root beer float, root beer shake and I had a burger. We were both happy with our choices as they tasted great! I got Steve's battery repaired and returned to him, it took a special charging arrangement to get the new cell balanced to match the others.
About once a week Laury sends a picture of Josie. Today's picture of her enjoying the sunshine was so cute I had to share it.Thursday, January 5, 2023
Taking down the lights
1-3-2023 I got my blog book for 2022 made and ordered today. I remembered this afternoon that I had the game camera set up in the area where the trees fell. Luckily one tree fell on each side of it.
1-5-2023 James came up today, he brought me some more wood pellets and then took down the Christmas lights. Taking the lights down sure went fast with him doing most of the work. While we were visiting before he left I showed him some of the pictures from the game camera and he said I should use them in my blog.
The first good picture on the game camera was Steve going by on his mower.I got a pretty good one of myself when I was looking at the two dead trees that Jim fell. That limb sticking into the picture was not there when I set the camera up, the wind must have blown it down.
This is the one good picture of a deer I got. I have lots of pictures of their backs and such but the camera was aimed too high.
Monday, January 2, 2023
Tree Falling
Our neighbor to the South Jim who lives in Eddie Roller's house came over this morning and fell the two dead trees South of the house for me. By the time I got out there he was in the final stages of falling the first tree.
This is first tree and it's stump.
The second tree leaned a little the wrong way but Jim had no problem getting it to fall the way he wanted it to go.
Tree number two is a little further down in this picture. I had the camera in the five shot burst mode but the next ones didn't show the tree that great. I told Jim he was welcome to any of the wood he wanted and it sounds like he will be getting some of it.
Sunday, January 1, 2023
New Years Day Flying
Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206
3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area. The camera had a hard time...

John Patrik's grandma Tami brought him down for a weekend visit, they came up today and we got to play with him. He is really a fr...
12-9-2024 My old cell phone had been acting up for awhile, the charge plug wouldn't always make contact and some times it wouldn't...
It has been pretty quiet here since Vera's birthday. I did some sanding on the Smart Car's roof and it is ready for paint again. I...