Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Kaiser again!


It was sunny today so I got outside a little.  I have been working on the Comet and taking it easy.  I am surprised how quickly my legs get tired if I walk much.

We were up early and on the way to the Salmon Creek Kaiser for a dental appointment I had.  This is how it looked at Exit 48 at six thirty.  The freeway was wet but not much spray so we had a good drive down and got there forty five minutes early.  Luckily I had brought some magazines with me to read.  When I had my teeth cleaned the dentist saw an irritated spot so he referred me to a specialist, she said it was a spot where the bone sticks out and brushing had irritated it.  We went for breakfast afterwards and then headed home.  It was a big surprise to have blue skies and sunshine all the way home.  I got all the Comet's control surfaces hinged tonight.

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