Saturday, March 27, 2021

Back to Building

Right after breakfast this morning we went out and put the second coat of paint on the West half of the building room ceiling.  Then I went up and put the second coat of paint on the East half of the loft.  We had to wait two hours before putting the lights back up so we had lunch and then went for a ride out Ph-10.  After we got back we put the lights up, it is a lot brighter with the 5000K Led bulbs in the fixtures.
After taking the scaffolding down and putting it back in the storage container we started putting the planes and projects back so I can work on them.
It sure feels good to have this project done.  Now I can finish the Comet even though the Winter Build has been cancelled because of the pandemic.  We picked up dinner at BK and went down to Lions Pride Park to eat.  There was still a bunch of fishermen there.  We even saw some activity, one guy was reeling and jerking his pole up.  After watching him for awhile I think he was hung up on something.

Thursday, March 25, 2021



We made a mail run as I had an order to pickup Tuesday, afterwards we ran down by the river to check out the fishermen.  It was a nice day and there were about a dozen people fishing.  I did some more sanding and spackling in the shop.  Wednesday Vera had bible study and I had a doctor's appointment.  The appointment was for the 31st, then they called and asked if 3:30 Wednesday would work so I took it.  Then this morning they called and asked if I could come in at 11:30 so I took the Smart Car for a little run.  Of course afterwards I picked up Blizzards and ran home right away so they wouldn't melt.  I got a light converted to LED for the loft.

I did some sanding today and mounted the light I had converted.  On my second trip out I was surprise to see this nice rainbow.  I went right back in, got the camera and got these pictures

I zoomed up for a closeup of the brightest part of the rainbow.  I did some work on the West side of the loft this evening and got part of the sheetrock up around the window.  The light in the East side looks great and it will be a lot easier to do things over there at night.

Monday, March 22, 2021

More Magazines taken to recycling

I moved all the stuff in the West side of the building room to the East side and have been getting the ceiling on that half ready to paint.  Vera happened to remember she hadn't taken any pictures of me on this job so she came out just as I was finishing up spackling for the day.

Vera had made me a fresh batch of Cocoa Mounds so I took a break for lunch and had a couple.  As usual they turned out great!  James texted me just as I finished lunch and I told him I would send him a picture of what I had done in the shop loft.  It still needs a second coat of paint but it is sure a lot brighter up there.  We took out six more boxes of magazines that were under the plastic and recycled them.
This is how the other half of the loft looked when I took the picture for James.  I figured I would be days getting that cleared out but we ended up making a second trip to the recycling site with seven boxes of magazines and it really looked a lot different when I quit for the night.
As we were walking in I took this picture of the sunset looking Northwest.  It was a busy day and I ended up getting quite a bit done.

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Birthday Light is up!

We made a recycling and pellet run today, after we put the Blazer away and were walking around the shop I spotted these daffodils in bloom.  It is beginning to seem more like Spring every day. 

Yesterday Vera and I must have had the light up and down a couple of dozen times trying to get it level.  When we quit last night it was two degrees off, that doesn't sound like much but you can sure see it.  This morning I got it perfect on the second try and the level read zero.  After the trip to town I started wiring it which turned out to be a fairly involved job but with Vera's help I finally got it finished.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


I finally got ambitious today after Lets Make a Deal was over.  I checked the spackle that I put on last night, did a little sanding and told myself again "That it is the shop, it doesn't have to be perfect" so I decided to paint today.  I loaded yesterday's sorting into the car and we made a mail and recycling run.  Afterwards we went down to Lions Pride Park and checked out the fishermen, we seldom see any caught.
As I was heading out to the shop to start masking things off it was such a nice day that I had to take a picture.

This is how it looked when I quit tonight.  If you look back at my blog on February 27th you can see how it looked then. 

As I was going in after cleaning the tools the sky and moon looked so nice I took a picture to end a good day with.

Monday, March 15, 2021

View from the loft

I am still working on painting the ceiling of the shop.  After I decided to finish the loft area as well I have been sorting the magazines I had stored up there and taking the ones I don't want to recycling.  While I am waiting for the spackle to dry I sort magazines.  We made our third run down to recycle the latest batch this morning and by the time I quit this evening I had six more boxes ready to recycle.  The oldest magazine I found today was a 1965 Aircraft Modeler.  I have high hopes that I will be able to paint the Northeast ceiling tomorrow.  I noticed the sunset this evening while I was up in the loft so I opened the window and took this picture.  It is quite a change from this morning when there was a little snow on the deck.

Friday, March 12, 2021

A Beautiful day for Flying!

Dan had just opened the gate as we arrived so I could drive right in for a change.  We have been the first ones there many times and I have to park the motor home in the middle of the road while I unlock the gate.  The fog cleared off a little while after we arrived at the field and we were able to start flying.  By lunch time there was a pretty good crowd.

Ken and Bruce are practicing social distancing while they watch and visit.
It was sure nice to have the mountains show up so good today, this is Jim making a landing with Mt St Helens in the background.

As we were loading up to leave Mike and Matt were the last ones to show up today.  This is Mike shooting a touch and go.  I counted seventeen people at the field today and thirteen of them flew at least one flight.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Albatrosses

I had to make another run to Home Depot today.  After our Curbside pickup we headed to the Kelso Dairy Queen again, of course since the airport is on the way I had to swing by there.  These Albatrosses have been at the airport for awhile and today I found a spot where I could get a clear picture of them.  I have one that is in the Coast Guard colors and I may have to paint the other kit I have as the one on the right the Global Eagle.  We spent the rest of this beautiful day taking some more of the modeling magazines to recycling.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine

We went down for our shots today, of course they were giving them clear at the other end of the building and we had to walk around the building to get there.  It was a good thing we headed in about five minutes early because we got admitted right at 2:10 right when our appointments were for.  They had it set up pretty well and it wasn't long until we got our shots.  Then we had to stay there for fifteen minutes to check for a reaction to the shots.  We didn't have any but a guy a few chairs away did and they activated a medical emergency for him.  He was still sitting on the floor with his head in his hands when we left.

We rewarded ourselves with Blizzards and Chicken Strips at the Kelso Dairy Queen afterwards.  It was sure peaceful watching the clouds as we ate.  I got the tail rotor gearbox of the T-REX 700 rebuilt tonight so it continues to be a good week.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Crazy Weather

 Vera took these pictures yesterday of the hail storm we had.  I was working on the shop ceiling running the vacuum sander so I didn't even hear it.

Twenty minutes later and the sun was out melting it.  When I came into the house there was no sign of it except on Jason's roof which I thought was snow left over from the snow last week.  When I got in the house Vera said she took some pictures for my blog so I checked the camera and really got a surprise.  There hasn't been much else going on here, an occasional trip to Fred Meyer Pickup or Home Depot Curbside pickup and a lot of mudding and sanding on the sheetrock.  I had preregistered January 15th for Covid-19 shots at Kaiser and found out today they were taking appointments but had never contacted us.  I called and it turns out they were having trouble getting the names out of the database.  They got right on it and we have appointments for our first shots tomorrow.  My helicopter parts came today so I can tell this is going to be a good week.

Monday, March 1, 2021


I have been mudding and taping for the last couple of days on the shop ceiling.  Today I was moving some magazines out of the loft so I could get up there to work on the other side of the beam.  It was hot dusty work so when it warmed up outside I went out to work in the yard.  I pruned the plum tree, trimmed the Japanese maple and cut up some of the fir limbs the snow knocked down.  While I was doing that I knocked the chain off the saw so I had to take a break and put it back on.

After getting the chain back on I cleaned up some branches the snow had knocked down over by the big cedar tree.  Then I cut back some buck brush and blew stuff off some of the trails with the mower.
I sorted through some more magazines this evening and picking out some to give to our friend Horty.  As I went into the house once there was a nice sunset to finish off a great day

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...