Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Time to get caught up

Sunday the 16th I had a sore throat, so I stayed home from church.  I watched football and messed with the new quad most of the day.
Monday the 17th the leaves were pretty dry, so I decided to mulch them up again today.  I forgot about the game camera being out on the trails, so I got a picture of myself coming down a trail.
Steve was out mowing also and the camera go him a little later.  The bagger must have been plugged because the camera took 5 pictures of him opening up the lid and on the last one you can see the leaves starting to fly out.
I did get the canopy glued on the F-22 before watching Monday Night Football.
Tuesday the 18th I spent most of the day trying to figure out why the quad rolled over and broke two props, then I set the gain too high and broke two more.  I also found a prop for the Graupner flying wing, got it balanced and checked the amps, 167 watts and moving lots of air.

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