Saturday, February 23, 2013

It is starting to look like a plane!

Friday was a great day for working on stuff, boy was it nasty outside!  I spent the morning and afternoon making up DVDs and CD's of Vera's class reunion for her classmates.  The CD's went great, but my first attempt and DVDs would not run in the DVD player.  I took a couple of breaks and did some painting on the Viking.  I did a little research Friday night and developed a new plan for making the DVDs.   This morning, I started the process going, then did some more painting, made a run for the mail and had a couple of snacks.  When it finished, I burned a DVD and tried it in the DVD player. Success, it worked!  I also tried it in the Blue Ray player and our portable player in the motor home, it worked everywhere, now I can send them off.  After dinner, I went out to the shop, epoxied on the Viking's fan units, put some of the decals on, put the wheels on and took a couple of pictures.  I still have a little painting to do around the canopy, then it will be time to put in the radio gear.

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