Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I forgot to mention!

I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that I went into the motor home and found that the refrigerator was off.  After a bunch of checking, I found one of the coach batteries had a shorted cell.  After our walk this morning, we headed to Art's Electric for a new battery.  I also loaded up all the old batteries I had laying around and sold them at the same time.  Deep Cycle batteries are not cheap, the 130 amp hour I got came to $150.  Next we went to Fred Meyer to drop off plastic bags for recycling and pick up a few things, Yep, $137 later we were out the door.  Then it was off to Lowe's to pick up a piece of Trex decking for the porch rail I had ordered.  They couldn't find it, it seems the person who received it did not note where he had put it.  The guy who was looking for it looked pretty frazzled when he finally brought it to me about an hour later.  I have been wanting a pair of shoes to replace my squeaky ones, so I went to Big 5 on the way home and found a pair of Nike's I like.  I got the batteries installed once we got home and I hooked up a battery monitor I had started installing a couple of years ago.  About 10, I was really tired, it was all I could do to keep my eyes open.  Then Vera came in and asked if I had a nice nap, so I guess they were not staying open as much as I thought.

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