We headed out bright and early Saturday morning for a Vancouver Home Depot to pick up the other cabinet for our laundry room, Longview did not have that sized one in stock, probably because I bought it last week for the kitchen. Since it is right across the street from Costco, we planned on stopping there also, but first we ran to Harbor Freight so I could check out something we are looking at. We got back to Costco just before noon, a great time as they had lots of food samples being given out. We had a stuffed mushroom that was great, a sack of them came home with us. We did not do much the rest of the day, I got my planes and the motor home ready for flying Sunday. We watched some football and Dakar again in the evening.
This was the best day of the weekend! No clouds, no fog, no wind and lots of sunshine this morning. I got to the field about 10 after having to go back for my cell phone. I was the first one there, but others started arriving before long.
The mountains looked great all day! We ended up with 8 members flying today and one guest flyer who is going to join. I put a guy from Longview who is interested in radio control on the club trainer, he did great and it looks like he will be joining the club also. I had the only mishap today, I took off with the transmitter on the wrong model and only one aileron was working.
I had the GPS telemetry unit in the plane recording on the laptop during the short flight. The dotted line is my flight, it went toward the road, I managed to get it back and crashed where the red dot is at the bottom of the picture. The heavy red line is me carrying it back to the benches. It was a pretty soft landing, so I just have a few cracks to repair.
You can see that everyone is enjoying the sun, I did not pack up until about 4, so I got 6 good hours of flying in.
On the way home, I spotted a herd of elk in a pasture on Barnes Drive. They were closer to the road, but by the time I turned the motor home around, got the camera out and stopped, the mist had thinned out and the elk had moved back further from the road. Since I saw headlines about how the football games went today, I decided not to watch my recording and do this instead.