Friday, December 2, 2011

Almost back to normal!

Well as normal as I ever get!  It was great to sleep in our bed last night, instead of on the couch with 2 cushions and a couple of pillows under my leg to keep it elevated, I slept great also!  I made a trip over to see the twins this morning, Dianne was heading for a bazaar with Taylor, so Steve was in charge of the twin's bath.  Things went great until it was time to get out.  It seems grandma always does that and she was gone.  They were not happy campers for a bit, but they got over it and started playing.  When I got home, we made a mail and grocery run to town, the first one since my trip to Kaiser.  I hauled wood pellets this afternoon and since I had the 4 wheeler out, I ran Laury's pie tin back.  I got our first Christmas present sent off this afternoon, that felt good!  I spent the evening puttering on the computer and watching Top Gear.

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