Saturday, November 26, 2011

Basketball and airplanes

I slept a little better last night, in fact when I finally woke up I had to hustle and get ready to head for James' basketball game.  It was an exciting game, close all the way and then went into overtime tied 43 all.  They ended up losing by 4 points in the overtime.  James played good, I saw him get rebounds, steals and points.
After the game, we headed up to Toledo so I could try my new Super Cub.  It flew great and the lights really showed up.  I put in three flights and then we went down by the Cowlitz in Toledo and ate lunch.
When I had the motor home put away, I walked over and checked out Dianne's new laptop, it is nice with a very large screen.  I had exchanged the shop faucet cartridge today, so I installed it and now there is no more drip, drip!  The pellet stove was out when we got home, the igniter had burned out.  I bought an extra last time I ordered parts, so I put that in this evening.  It is a heck of a spot, you can hardly see it, let alone get a wrench on it.  I finally got the new one installed and the stove seemed to light faster.

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Physical Therapy, Jordon's Basketball

 James stocked me up with pellets on Tuesday and had lunch here.  He stopped by again on Wednesday just as we were getting ready to head to ...