Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It was a nice day today. James had a great time with the new XBOX. I made them take a break from it and play outside. The kids asked if we could make a trip to the creek, so I put a pad in the trailer and off we went on the Quad pulling the trailer with James and Parker in it. Auna is turning into a pretty good Quad driver and drove us all the way down. The kids always have fun at the creek looking for Agates. Today they did not find any, but other trips they have found some really nice ones. Most of the ones James finds have ended up in our pond which gives it special meaning and some fun memories. This evening we went to a get acquainted dinner for our new pastor. We had a nice time and she seems like a real easy to be around person.

Hope you had a chance to enjoy the Sunshine like I did.



I had a pleasant surprise yesterday when my cousin Sandi arranged a lunch with cousin Arnold who we had not seen for ages. We had a nice time visiting with him and hearing what he had been doing. It was really interesting hearing about the mission work he has done since retiring and some of the adventures he and his wife have had as a result.

I would have posted this sooner, but there have been Internet problems the last couple of days.


Monday, August 24, 2009


I should go in the living room and take a picture of my recliner. That's where I spent the better part of the afternoon. I got up early, had my breakfast and went to the shop and worked on James plane. I came in for lunch and afterwards sat down in the recliner to read and watch a football game. Not sure who won and I may have to read the magazine again, but I had a nice nap until around 5. Hope I can go to sleep tonight.

I hope you got more accomplished that I did!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Picnic

It seemed like a busy weekend with the garage sale going on Saturday. Great fun seeing the family and visiting with them. Today was a little more laid back. We went to the church picnic and outdoor service. It was beautiful day for it. Fred and Alison had a nice big back yard that was perfect. We had a good time watching a frog come between the chairs during the service and climb up behind one of the guys. The food was out standing, I saved my piece of pecan pie for last and it was great! Everyone was in a good mood and we had a nice time visiting during and after lunch. The rest of the day was spent building planes, watching football and relaxing.
Hope you had a peaceful Sunday also, Alan.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I think sunsets are the best part of these 90 degree days. Vera called my attention to these clouds as I was walking in tonight. I worked on the motor home again today, repainting the lower part of the door. The paint was flaking off it pretty bad. I am slowly repainting the dark band around the lower part of the motor home. So far I have the two fender flares in the rear, the long storage compartment door and the main door done. I spent the warmest part of the day working on airplanes. James won a plane at the LCRC picnic and I am converting it to electric power.
Hope you stayed cool today, Alan.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Nothing to take a picture of today, I did not think anyone would be interested in a picture of the Garbage can. I spent most of the day cleaning in the shop. I did find my ball peen hammer which I could have used several times last week during the brake job.


I decided to change the 5 second rule to 10 seconds as I takes me a lot longer to bend down now.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...