Thursday, November 28, 2024

James and Thanksgiving Day


James stopped by after school today, they had early release and I think he mentioned the kids were a little wound up.

11-28-2024 Thanksgiving

We went to Debbie's for Thanksgiving, Josh was in Goldendale hunting.  We went a little early and had a good time visiting with Natalie, Bev and playing with the boys.
Bev had been there for a couple of days watching the kids.
The boys had already asked Debbie if they could play paper airplanes with me.  I ended up making some for them and showing Jordon how I make them.  Vera even got to launch a couple for Jordon.  We had a contest going at one time to see who could fly one through a door in the hall.
I went into the kitchen to get a picture of Debbie, my timing was great as a bottle of root beer had foamed up onto the floor.
That dark bread was sure tasty dipped in Michelle's fondue.
Debbie did the turkey on their Traeger and it turned out great! 
I don't normally eat sweet potatoes but these that Debbie made were so good I had seconds! 
Of course we had to do our normal group shot after dinner.
I liked both pictures so I decided to include both.
We got the boys school pictures today, they turned out great.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Jordon's Basketball and Bev's show


Jordon had a basketball game at the Y this morning.  As always it was great fun to watch.

Jordon is pretty good at getting inside so he has a chance for a rebound.
He is bringing the ball up the court after the other team scored.
Debbie came over during her lunch break to watch for awhile.
After the game we left our car at the Kelso Safeway and rode down with Mik and Michelle to Bev's art showing at Mile Post 5 Studios in Portland where she lives.  She has changed to working with clay because of her double vision problem.  With clay she can work by feel.  This table was an experiment to see how thin she could make things.
This table was all containers of different shapes and sizes.
This group was all natural things like waves and flowers.
This is the piece Vera and I like and bought.
Bev took us on a tour of the commons area where they have a chapel and areas to do projects.
This is a view of the courtyard where they have a firepit during the summer and can go out and enjoy nice evenings.

On the way home we stopped in Ridgefield at 3 Peaks and had PNWBF for dinner.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Drive shaft, Jordon BB and Pellets


I asked James to give me a hand hooking up the motorhome driveshaft today.  I am sure glad he was helping me because it was heavy and awkward to get it lined up.


 Jordon had a game at the Y again this Saturday, it is so much fun to watch.  Jordon dribbles pretty well, but some of the kids dribble once, then hold the ball while they run.  The refs don't call it unless it is a really long ways.
Jordon is checking out the treats he got today.
James has been here several times bringing me pellets for the shop stove.  Today I finally remembered to take a picture.  Those 40 pound bags feel pretty heavy to me but James has no trouble with them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Happy Tuesday


It sure brightens my day when Laury sends me these Happy Tuesday pictures of Hattie.

I have been working on neatening up the wiring in front of the radiator.  I also made a change to the leveling hydraulic pump mount so it will not rub on the grill.  It was close to making holes in the lower part of the grill.  While I had the grill pieces out I reinforced them by using resin and fiberglass tape on the backside.  I also added metal plates to reinforce the mounting holes.  I also ordered new latches for the hood as the key was wearing out.  I couldn't locate the same size so I will have to make some modifications when I install them.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Debbie's birthday and Jordon's Basketball


Jordon had a basketball game at the Y today.  This is during the first quarter and the girl with the ball is the one he was assigned to guard.  I can see a big improvement over last year.

Here is a short video I took during the game of Jordon stealing the ball and making a basket.
After the game we went to the Country Deli for lunch and to celebrate Debbie's birthday.  It was sure fun getting together with everyone.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...