Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Barry and Mona return

Barry and Mona returned from Medford today.  Mona had visited her sister in Medford and then driven down to California to visit her other sister.  While she was gone Barry located our cousin Raymond and visited him.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


There was a nice forecast today so we went flying at Toledo.  I was surprised when we had the field to ourselves.   I had three planes to test fly that I had gotten at the Clatskanie field sale.  All three flew but need some minor adjustments.  I hadn't flown the TREX-500 for awhile and found out it is a lot more sensitive.


Laury sent me this picture of Hattie, she looks like a really good natured baby.


James came up to visit today, of course I forgot to take a picture until he was pulling out of the driveway.  We sure enjoy his visits.

Josh and the boys stopped by this afternoon.  Jordon and Jacob had drawn pictures that they were explaining to Vera, then they gave them to her.

Friday, August 25, 2023


The vine maple leaves are already starting to turn color so Vera took some pictures of them this morning.


Jackie and Cora came down to spend a couple of day at Debbie's.  They stopped by our house for a couple of hours.

Cora, Jordon and Jacob playing in the living room.

Cora on the trampoline.
Jordon seeing how high he can go.
Jordon and Jacob on the trampoline.
Jackie, Vera, Debbie and Michelle watching the kids play.
When we got home I went out on the back deck to see if I could get a picture of the sunset.  It has been kind of smokie so it turned out OK.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

LCRC BBQ and a test flight

The gentleman in the wheel chair is 90 years old and likes to build models but doesn't know how to fly them.  Mike in the checkered shirt volunteered to test fly it for him when his neighbor contacted the CVRCF club.  Doing it at LCRC worked out for everyone since we were having a barbeque and the gates would be open.
Everyone pitched in to check it out and get it running.  The test flight went great and he got to see his plane fly.  I had a good day, did some flying and ate some good food. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Another MOHS Surgery


My surgery wasn't scheduled for now but they had a cancellation, called me and asked if I could make it.  I took this selfie after the MOHS surgery was over but before they bandaged me up.
James was my driver today, Vera had bible study and doesn't like driving in Portland.  James does a great job and I was able to look at the scenery.

I had asked James if he remembered the Paul Bunyan statue, he didn't so I had him leave Kaiser passed it.  James had made arrangements to meet his friend Malik so we had dinner at Red Robin in Vancouver with him.  I hadn't seen Malik for a long time so it was nice to see him again.

I took this selfie today, there is lots of bruising from the surgery but no pain.  I have sure been tired since, this one hit me pretty hard.  James has been coming up doing the watering for me and helping with anything I can't do.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

CVRCF Meeting


Vera and I went down to Clatskanie for the monthly meeting today.  The club picked up a new member today, the young lady on the left.  She flies helicopters and did a really smooth aerobatic routine and got a round of applause when she landed.  I had a great day putting in several flights each with the heli, Skylane and Electra.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Family gathering

We had a family get together with Barry today, it was a nice day for sitting out on the deck.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Class Reunion Lunch

This is the Class of 57 members who came today. 
This is everyone who attended today, there were ten from the Class of 57 and ten from the Class of 58.

There were tables set up with rocket decorations.  The food was delicious with many pot luck dishes to choose from.
Cathy had her camera set up and took the pictures of the classes.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...