Saturday, July 29, 2023

Flying and a visit from Hattie


It was nice today and Barry planned on going to Olympia so we went flying at Toledo.  It was a very nice day but there were not many flyers out.  The van is getting lots of use while we wait to get the new tires for the rear of the motor home.


We  had a visit from Hattie, Emmy, Laury and Josie today.  Hattie had a really big yawn while she was here.  She is sure a cutie.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Barry arrives


Barry arrived today to spend a month or so.  Of course we had to have Papa Pete's pizza tonight.

Saturday, July 22, 2023


The Lewis county club had a barbeque today and there was a good turnout of members. 
Brian volunteered to do the cooking of the hamburgers and hotdogs.  There was lots of pot luck dishes brought by the members.
Mt Rainier had a cloud cap on it all day.

After I put everything away and was heading in for the night I noticed the moon and took a picture.  It was a nice finish of a good day of flying.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Flying at Clatskanie, Trailer

July 5th

I was surprised by the water lily blooming again as I haven't taken care of them this year.  The line from the pump to the upper pond is plugged so there is no water flow.  We stayed home on the 4th of July and didn't even drive down to Lions Pride park to watch the local people shooting them off over the river.

July 8th

We went down to Clatskanie for the Cowlitz Valley R/C Flyers meeting today.  I had a great time flying and visiting.


I finished up the trailer today.  I had wire brushed the entire frame and then painted it with a black metal flack paint.  I also painted the new plywood with black deck paint on both sides.  Then I bolted it down with all stainless steel hardware.  I still have to paint the side boards and tail gate with the black deck paint but there is no rush to do them as they are stored where it is dry.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...