Saturday, February 25, 2023

Deer, Stitches and Blazer


While I was eating breakfast at the computer I noticed four deer on the security camera by the heat pump.  They were eating some  of the flowers out there but they didn't like the succulents because they just pulled them out and dropped them after a taste. 


This morning there was a deer laying down in the yard on the other side of the house.  I had to wait for it to stand up before taking a picture as it was right inline with the solar lights and I couldn't get a clear picture of it's head.
Both Vera and I had appointments today at 2:40, Vera's was at Kaiser and mine was at Pacific Surgical.  I dropped Vera off a couple of minutes early and I was able to drive over to mine with plenty of time to spare.  I was ten minutes early but as soon as I stepped off the elevator I was called.  They pulled the stitches out today and boy did it feel good to have matching shoes on.  We decided to eat while we were in town and ended up at Arby's for their Market Fresh sandwiches.  Just as we finished eating I got a call from the guy who wanted to buy the Blazer.  He was in Longview as well and wanted to know if it was a good time to pick it up.  I said sure we were just planning on heading home.

He got there about ten minutes after we did and paid for it.  He got it running and drove it onto the roll back wrecker.
This is how it looked as he pulled out of the yard.  We had it for a long time and it gave us good service so we were a little sad to see it go but I didn't feel like working on it.  He has two sons who are about ready to get their drivers license so it will be put to good use.  I spent the rest of the day getting used to matching shoes.
Since then we got about an inch of snow on the 22nd.  We have had a couple of visits from James.  I repaired the shop's pellet stove, it had a bad igniter.  I made a slight change in the way the gutter guards were mounted so we wouldn't get a drip right in front of the door.  I also added wireless smoke alarms to the shop so we can hear in the house if there is a problem out there.  I haven't neglected the helicopter, I fly it every chance I get.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

An Oil change and a New Hat

Yesterday James came up to see about an oil change, after talking about it he remembered Steve offering the use of his garage.  James and I made a trip over there to check about doing it tomorrow.  Steve said no problem and he would get the fire going to warm it up.  We had a nice visit with them before heading home.

Today, James came up about 11:30 and we took the oil, filter and tools over to Steve's.  The walk over was one of the longest I have done since the surgery.  It was sure nice being in a warm garage to do the oil and filter change.  James did most of the work with some advice or suggestions from Steve a couple of times because things are arranged different than in my carport.  I sat enjoying the heat from the fire while watching Steve and James but I completely forgot about taking a picture for the blog. 

James visited for a little while afterwards with us before heading home to take care of a homework assignment from school.

Vera finished up the hat she has been knitting for me and it looks and feels great.  I am looking forward to tomorrow when I get the stitches out and shouldn't have to wear the boot any long!  The fudge James brought up for us is down to one piece left and I don't think it will last much longer.  This Butterfingers fudge they have been making tastes so good!

Friday, February 17, 2023


Yes, I turned eighty four today.  Our first visitors were Dianne, Steve and Josie with Snickerdoodles and a card.  The card made me laugh because it says on the front "You are only as old as your sense of Humor".  I think this card is pretty close to right.  The cookies were good as there was already one gone when I took the picture.
Laury and Josie were the next ones to come by and wish me Happy Birthday.

Josie had decorated the card and it is so cute.  Vera fixed them bowls of brownies and ice cream.  Josie is a very neat eater, she also told us about her snowman falling over.
We met the kids at the Country Folks Deli for lunch, it was nice that Bev was able to come up and join us.
Debbie and the boys were there also, the boys had to go check out the cow first thing.
Mik is showing Vera the pictures of their house in Stevenson that had the roof blown off during the wind storm.  I believe parts of it were a block away.
James and I always have a good time.  He was telling us about going to playoff games for the local schools with Henry.  I had checked on their Peanut Butter pie but they never got back to me.  Mik enquired and they had it but I thought I was too full.  They brought a piece with one candle on it and the family sang Happy Birthday to me.  It is a good thing there was only one candle as I probably would have never gotten 84 blown out.  I went ahead and ate it, it was delicious! 
After we got home Bob and Cathy stopped by and Vera made brownies and ice cream for them.  We heard all about the problems Bob had getting his new RAV4.  I opened up the card  they brought and Cathy said read the front first.  I was just looking for larger print so I had to go get my glasses so I could read the front, it was a cute card.
My 84th birthday turned out to be a great day!  I really enjoyed seeing and talking with everyone.
I had planned on mentioning the Barry and Pam called to wish me Happy Birthday so I am adding it today!  I had a really nice visit with both of them.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Moose Tracks

My toe was feeling well enough to wander outside a little so I took this picture of the deck and house from a little different angle than I normally do.

Vera made brownies today for my birthday tomorrow.  She said I could have some a little early.
She had also gotten Brownie Moose Tracks ice cream to put on them.  That is the best combination I have ever had and we will be getting it again.  I had a nice relaxed day resting up for the big event tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

A Snowy Valentine's Day

This is what we woke up to this morning.  Vera measured two inches of snow on the deck.

I went out on the back deck and took some pictures there, the trees sure look pretty with the snow on them.  It was already starting to fall off when I took these as the temperature was up to 33 degrees.
We had a nice relaxing morning at home and then went down to the El Compadre for lunch about one.

We both had our favorite for lunch which is their Pollo Loco.
It turned out to be a beautiful afternoon so we picked up the mail after we were done and took a little ride around town checking things out.  The nice thing about the Pollo Loco is we end up bringing half of it home and it made a great dinner.  This turned out to be a very nice Valentine's day. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Camera's, Heli, James, Night Vapor and Snow!

This is the view from my computer chair of the security cameras.  When I see a nice day like this I can run (well maybe limp) out and fly the helicopter.

I have spent the last couple of days rearranging the cables and wiring for the computer, router and security cameras.  I finally got them all programmed so I can check them with my phone from anywhere.
We made a mail run today and it was so nice we took a run up the Headquarters Rd to see if we could locate Colby and Auna's house.  We didn't have any luck finding it, but we had a nice ride and I showed Vera where the houses and roads used to be at Headquarters Camp.

James stopped by for a visit today.  Then he was off to the first of several Super Bowl parties he was going to.  I didn't watch much of the game, I mainly watched YouTube videos and puttered with the FW-450 helicopter.
I cut a hole in the canopy to help cool the speed control after adding the heat sinks on it.  The heat sinks by themselves helped, lowering the temperature about ten degrees.
The heat sinks plus the hole made a big difference, lowering the temperature after a flight from 115 to the 85 degrees on my optical pyrometer.
My birthday present came today, a Night Vapor.  It has LEDs installed so it can be flown at night.  I have tried flying my other Vapor at night in front of the shop lights and that did not work out too well.  Now on a nice evening I can put in some flights in the dark.
I did make one flight with the Night Vapor before this started.  It was really coming down for awhile but not sticking.  I checked just before bed and it was 32 degrees and sticking.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Another Beautiful Day

I was a couple of days late for my blood test so we ran down to Kaiser to get that done and pick up an item I needed from the pharmacy.  The Mitsubishi was due for an oil change so we stopped at Jiffy Lube in Kelso to get it done.  This is the view out the windshield as they were doing it.  Afterwards we went to the Burger King next to Jiffy Lube and had lunch.

It was such a nice day out that I flew the helicopter with a new heat sink on the speed control to see if it kept it any cooler.  I flew until the helicopter landed its self because of low battery voltage which resulted in a thirteen minute flight.  I measured the temperature with an infrared pyrometer and it was cooler by about ten degrees. 
Before the second flight I cut a hole in the canopy right above the speed control so it would get cooling air from the main rotor.  After that flight it was another ten degrees cooler and just barely warm to the touch.  Before all these changes I couldn't hold my hand on the speed control after a flight when the temperature was in the forties and today it was fifty seven.
Vera got a nice picture of the FW-450 as I was hovering it next to the driveway.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Happy Wednesday and a couple of other days!


I had an appointment at Longview Orthopedic this morning to get the dressing on my toe changed.  The doctor wasn't in but they took pictures and as a precaution put me on an antibiotic.  After a stop at the Kaiser Pharmacy to get it we had lunch at DQ and headed home.  It was really blowing, there were lots of branches on the driveway and the power had been out while we were gone.


I was looking for a way to store the batteries in my fire proof cabinet and came across these spice racks with pull out drawers.

They worked out great and I was able to get all my batteries in the cabinet using them.  When the drawers are pulled out they tip down and it is easy to pick the battery I want.  They also have stops so they will not come out and dump the batteries.
Bev sent us some pictures of how she was arranging her new apartment.  I sure like that picture she put up!
I had an early appointment for my toe this morning.
Vera had bible study so I got the Smart Car (Vera calls it Smarty Pants) out and used it.
I thought the stitches might come out today but the doctor said he would feel better about it if we waited another week.
I stopped at the Kelso Safeway and used the electric cart to do a little shopping before heading home.  It was such a nice day that I stopped at Lions Pride Park and took a couple of pictures.
I got in one flight with the helicopter with a video camera mounted on it.  The vibration made the video turn out weird but I was able to capture a couple of frames and turn them into this picture.  I will have to mount the camera a little solider to the helicopter next time as the Velcro I used let it move around too much.

Laury sent me a Happy Wednesday picture which is a perfect way to end this post, that kid is so darn cute!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Happy Thursday!

I felt great today and took a walk down to look at where the trees had been taken out.  I ended up with almost a mile on my pedometer.  I made a couple of flights on the helicopter, the last one was just at sunset and the moon was showing so I parked the heli up by it and took a couple of pictures.


Vera had a doctor's appointment at Kaiser this morning.  I was due for a blood pressure check and took this picture of the mural in module B while I was waiting. My blood pressure checked good at 129/62 with a pulse of 69.
We went to the Kelso Safeway when we were done at Kaiser.  My toe doesn't hurt but the joint gets a little sore if I walk a lot so I used one of the scooters while we were there.
We went to Panera for lunch.  They give you this pager with your order number on it and said it would light up when it was ready.  Boy does it ever, it vibrates as well and surprised the heck out of us.  The lady busing tables said on one of her first days there every one in the restaurant went off at the same time and scared her.  After we got home I worked on the blog and even got in one flight on the helicopter.
Laury's Happy Thursday picture, it looks like Josie is probably a lot faster than me.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...