Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Flying and James' oil leak


The forecast looked great so we headed to the Toledo field this morning.  The mountains were showing up great so I taxied the Kitfox out for this picture before my first flight of the day.

I had two charged batteries for the Kitfox and four for the Skylane.  I shot lots of touch and goes with both of them.  Between flights I sat in the motor home and visited with Vera.  Six other flyers showed up today and flew.

Last week we changed the oil and filter in James' car.  He mentioned that he was smelling a burnt oil smell, he came up today so we could check it out.  It turned out to be the oil filter that was leaking, NAPA was out of everything but the economy filter for his car.  I had picked up some FRAM Tough Guard filters for his car.  We installed one and later James texted that the smell was gone on the way home.  Vera and I cleared some brush around the plum tree this afternoon, it ended up being two trailer loads.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Bunny and Shop rhododendrons

We walked out by the driveway to look for our little rabbit friend this morning.  Vera was looking along the driveway for it, when she turned to come back she was standing right beside it.  Vera got my attention so I walked over and talked to it while taking this picture.  Vera watched it eat for about five minutes when it suddenly ran off.

Since I had the phone out I took a picture of the rhodendrons in bloom by the shop.  Luckily the heavy snow did not damage them.  We didn't do much today, a quick mail and grocery run to Castle Rock.  I did do a little cleanup in the shop, it was getting to the point where I couldn't find some of my tools.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Jordon Graduates


There is our garden trailer under that pile of limbs.  We got the last of the knocked down rhodendron hauled away to the compost pile today.
This evening we went to Jordon's Preschool graduation at the Lutheran church.  They have this pretty stained glass window above the alter.

This is Jordon marching in for the ceremony.

I handed the camera to Debbie, she was sitting on the isle and took these pictures.

It was really fun watching them sing their songs.  They signed the entire alphabet during one song.
Jacob found a pencil and paper to play with in the pew.
This is Jordon after getting his diploma.
They handed out pretty cute diplomas.
Jordon and Jacob had a great time checking out the graduation presents.
When Vera and I were coming in from locking up the shop this little bunny was eating in the grass.  Every time I see it I stop and talk to it and it has gotten to know me and does not run off.  I talked to it again tonight while taking pictures and it was still there eating when we went in the house.  We have had several generations of rabbits with that white spot on their foreheads. 
The first Wednesday of each month Cathy's class gets together for lunch.  They invited my class also so quite a few of my class show up.  After lunch Cathy takes a picture of the group that month.  She is just getting everyone lined up in this picture.
After the pictures it is back to visiting.  I had not seen Patty who is talking to Cathy for several years so it was nice to get caught up.  I ended up spending almost two and a half hours there.
Here is the picture Cathy took, she emailed it to everyone.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...