Friday, February 25, 2022

New Phone

We were up early this morning, after the car warmed up (it was 21 degrees out) we headed to Longview for breakfast and to pick up a grocery order at Fred Meyer.  Boy do the heated seats feel good on this kind of day.
We were back in Longview again this afternoon.  Verizon had sent us notice that Vera's phone wouldn't work as they were dropping their 3G service.  After checking the coverage of 5G with a couple of companies I decided we would change to T-Mobile.  Vera never used her phone so we disconnected it and went with the OnePlus 9 5G which we can use for a hotspot for her Kindle at the flying field.  Since we go to Fred Meyer regularly I chose the T-Mobile store right across the street from it.  After getting the phone we went across the street to Dairy Queen and had Blizzards.  The traffic was crazy through this intersection as we ate our Blizzards so I got a chance to try out the camera on the new phone.

As we turned onto Pleasant Hill road I had to stop and try the phone on what was left of the sunset.
I have taken lots of pictures at Lions Pride Park so I had to stop there and take a few more.  The sunset was pretty much over with by then.

They said the OnePlus takes pretty good telephoto pictures so I tried it on some fishermen across the river.  So far I am really liking this phone, it has an Android operating system so it works a lot like my old Motorola.  I have spent some time working on the plane I won, making some changes to things so they are the way I like them.  That and staying warm as it has been pretty cold the last couple of days.  We have woken up to snow two mornings.

This picture was taken in the morning on 2/22/22 and it snowed quite a bit during the day.  By the 23rd it was all gone.
This is what we woke up to the morning of the 24th but it didn't last long.  James has been up a couple of times working on his science project.  We had a record run with it today, 50% further than it is supposed to go for extra credit.  It has been lots of fun brain storming with him.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

MRRCS Meeting

After the club meeting they had a radio control airplane combat demonstration.  The modeler showed how he built them and supplied planes for them.

He had three other modelers put on a combat match with him.  If you blow the picture up then look close you can see four planes and a drone in this picture.  One plane ended up cutting all the streamers but the streamers were wrapped around his plane causing it to crash.
One of the other member's eighty six year old dad was there flying and the guys were giving him some help.

I ended up being the first number pulled out in the drawing so I chose this E-flite Radian XL.  It has a 102 inch wingspan and all I need to add is a receiver.  It was a lot cooler today so I only put in two flights and spent some time in the club house where they had a nice fire going in the wood stove.  We headed out about two and except for a little wind had an uneventful ride home.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Flying at MRRCS

We were up fairly early this morning and headed up to the Mt Rainier Radio Control Society field near Yelm.  We planned on spending the day flying, spend the night and go to their meeting Saturday.

One of the first things out was the gift from Mik, Michelle and James.  It says "Making Memories one campsite at a time", we really like it so it will get a lot of use.

The traffic pattern to McCord was right over us this morning.  There was a pair of C-17's going round and round the pattern.  I was just about ready for the first flight when I heard them coming and I got this picture of the lead one.  They sure look big when they are right over you.
This picture is just before my first flight of the day.  There were four other club members there when we arrived.  I knew one of them and had a good time meeting the others.
Vera took this picture of me during a later flight.  It was a perfect day, warm with little or no wind.
She came down by where I was and got this picture of the Skylane as I was shooting touch and goes.
Later we took a walk up the hill to get a better cell signal so I could post a picture on Facebook.
It is a very nice setting there.  We had the place to our selves most of the day.
Vera took this picture of Mt Rainier this afternoon.  Her timing was great, she said a cloud drifted across just after she took the picture.  She spent the day knitting, reading and watching the NASCAR truck race at Daytona and we watched more of it this evening.  Michelle had given us the rest of one pizza from last night and we haven't had to do any cooking today.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

83 Years

I sure don't feel eighty three!  I had a great day,  My day started off with a surprise, a birthday card and gift from Chandell our UPS driver.  Bob and Cathy stopped by earlier.  They were just getting back from the beach so they didn't come this evening.
Steve is always fun to have at a party!  I asked Auna how their new place is coming and she said they are still waiting on permits.
James had come up early and we worked on a project for one of his classes.  Jordon spent a long time playing with the box of Hot Wheels.

Michelle and Mik did a lot of playing with Jordon and Jacob.
Dianne had made Cardamom Bread and Banana Nut Bread.  A loaf for James and one for me I hope as I kept it.  She does a great job on it and it is perfect every time.  For some reason I never ended up with her or Mik in any of the pictures but I sure appreciated having them come to my party. 
Jacob had been sleeping when Debbie came and it took a long time for him to wake up.  After the pizza and cake he had lots of energy!  It was a good day lots of family, good food and stories.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Red Lobster


We made a trip to Longview today, the first stop was Harbor Freight for a couple of things I saw in their ad.  Next on the list was Safeway for one item but I managed to pretty well fill a bag before leaving.  Then it was off to Kelso for a late lunch or early dinner at the Red Lobster.  Steve and Dianne had given us a gift card to Red Lobster for the firewood we gave them.  I had the Shrimp Linguini Alfredo which was delicious!  Thank You Steve and Dianne!  

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Spirit Lake Hwy Traffic Jam

I got the weather station readout installed today.  It is sure a lot easier to read than the old one.  Vera has been wanting something to fill the area below the digital picture frame.  I have them both powered off twelve volts so they are on all the time.  I also got the speed control for the new vee tailed glider picked out and hooked up.  The first one I tried did not have a battery eliminator circuit installed so it came right back out.  Now I just need to go one prop size bigger and that part will be all done.  We took a short ride up the hill this afternoon, after going around Studebaker Rd we were going go down and cruise Castle Rock but the traffic was backed up clear to Bob and Cathy's.  After sitting in line for a few minutes we turned around and came back home.  I guess they were painting traffic lines by the new turn lane.  Debbie was stuck in it for fifteen minutes today.  Vera fixed the best tuna casserole for dinner tonight, I told her she should save that recipe but she said she made it up as she went along.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Happy Wednesday!

We have the best UPS drivers, Chandell will often put a note on our packages that really brightens our day.

I worked on the motor home most of the day, nothing major just some items to tinker with.  I started by putting air in all the tires on it and the Mitsubishi, then I trouble shot the one running light that was out.  That turned out to be a connector I hadn't plugged in right.  We wanted an outdoor thermometer display that was easier to read, it came yesterday so I started installing it today.  We got to the point where everything was working but not installed.  I left the rest of it for tomorrow and we went to BK, picked up dinner then went to Lions Pride Park to eat.  Our timing was great because we got to watch an awesome sunset.

I took this picture just before we left as it was starting for fade a little.  It was a great day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Flying at Toledo

There was a little fog when we got to the field today but not bad enough that I couldn't fly.  I am just about to take the Hobby King P-51 up for my second flight of the day.

After it cleared I noticed the cloud cap over Mt St Helens.
I got Vera out to take some pictures of the Skylane as I flew by the mountain.  This is the best one we got as I kept telling her to take it too early.
It was a good day, I ended up making eight flights.  Vera came out as I was taking the planes apart and took this picture of me and the new weather station.  The old one that we had for years quit working the last time we flew so I ordered a new one.  It worked great and is easier to store than the old one.
We stopped at Betty's in Toledo and picked up their Halibut Basket before going down to the South Lewis County Park to eat.  I parked in a different spot than normal and we liked it better than where we used to park.
I was going to mention it on here when I hit three thousand posts but forgot.  Tonight I noticed that this is number three thousand and twenty.  It is amazing to me that I have done that many! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Class Lunch and Dianne's Birthday

Boy was my timing good today, I came into the house just as Vera was taking a home made pizza out of the oven.  It turned out great, she has sliced up Kielbasa sausage and used a Mexican cheese blend and the flavors were awesome together.  An update to my last post, my INR came back right in the middle of the range they want to keep it at so my dosage will stay the same.

Today I went to the 57,58 class lunch at Ken L's place and this is what was provided.  There was lots, it was all good and they were encouraging everyone to have seconds, and of course I did!
These are the desserts that Cathy brought.  The wild black berry cake was really good, I haven't tried the blueberry muffins yet, but she sent three home with me for breakfast tomorrow.
This is the cake that I believe Clarice brought.  It was really good also and I brought a piece of it home as well.

Update: Cathy took this picture after the lunch.

After a nap this afternoon I walked over to Dianne's to wish her a Happy Birthday.  My timing was good again as the Dolan's and Gourde's were just arriving for a birthday party.  I took this picture as everyone was singing "Happy Birthday".
I was still full from lunch so I didn't have any cake and ice cream.  Josie was sure a busy little thing, she waved Hi to everyone there then when the cake was served she got bites from quite a few people.
Dianne was really tickled with this picture the Gourde's gave her of Rielee when Kelso won the State Championship.


Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...