Monday, June 29, 2020

Time to catch up.

6-25-2020 Vera saw this bunny eating over by the storage container and got several good pictures of it.   Some of these pictures will be ones I forgot to put in other posts.
6-25-2020 The succulents we put in the strawberry planter have really filled out.  We were surprised when some of them started blooming.
 6-25-2020 The game camera was out in the woods for almost two months and this picture is one of the better ones.  I was surprised to see the twin fawns, they are sure cute with their spots.
 6-28-2020  Normally the birds fly away as soon as we come out the door.  Today I sat out on the park bench for quite a while and they came back.  We put up two thistle feeders for the gold finches but it seems they have developed a liking for the sunflower seeds.
 6-28-2020  The grosbeaks really like the sunflowers seed as well and get pretty possessive about that feeder.
 6-28-2020  James came up today and helped (well he really did most of the work) me take out some rotten railroad ties and haul them away.
 6-28-2020  This rose is doing pretty well since we put a cage around it so the deer couldn't snack on it.
6-28-2020  I took a walk on the trails today and they are in good shape this year.  The neighbor kids have been riding their four-wheeler on them and that helps keep them clear.
 Vera and I both noticed the water lilies were blooming and took pictures of them today.
 6-29-2020 The deer have discovered the plum tree.
 It is fun watching them chew up the plums and then spit out the pit.
 Vera was excited when she discovered her hydrangea was starting to bloom.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

What NO Picture!


As we were coming home from our beach trip the tire pressure monitor alarmed.  It indicated the left front tire was low so this morning I went out and checked the motor home tire pressures and filled them up.  Since I had everything set up I also did the Mitsubishi, the Smart Car and Blazer.  The Mitsubishi really needed to be washed so I got setup and did the Smart Car first, then the Mitsubishi and Blazer.  The front of the motor home is really a magnet for bugs and I had to wash it twice to get them all off.  I got a cordless power pruner last year for a birthday or fathers day but didn't get a chance to use it because I didn't have any bar oil.  Then we got the motor home and I never seemed to have time.  After I was done washing the vehicles I got it out and the battery still had a full charge so I tried it on a maple limb I had noticed when mowing.  It worked great so I attacked the cedar tree that has dead branches hanging down.  It didn't take long and I had a bunch of branches cut down.  Vera came out and pointed out a couple more I should do, then she helped me pack them to the compost pile.  After dinner I put the cars away, locked things up and called it a day.  I had a call from Barry this evening, he is still working on the remodeling/updating, it was nice to get caught up with what they have been doing. 

Yes, today was one of those rare ones when I didn't take a single picture.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Garage Sales and Flying

We went to a couple of garage sales today.  We wore our masks to them, the one on PH10 had a ton of stuff and also lots of people.  We both found a couple of things but only spent five dollars.  Next was Powell Rd but they were working on the overpass so we had to go over Bond Rd to get there.  I didn't find anything there but Vera found a bear to add to her collection.  The next one was up by Silver Lake at a friend from church house that had been sold, we got away with out anything there.  We drove up to Toutle but there were none there so we stopped by Debbie and Josh's.  Jordon and Jacob were lots of fun to watch.  Jordon took Vera on a tour of the house and shop.  She said he told her about everything they looked at.  Jacob was running everywhere, he is sure active.  It was sure nice to see all of them.  We stopped at one more garage sale on the way home and spent another five dollars.
Today we went flying at Toledo.  I haven't flown the Super Cub for a while and broke the prop on the first landing.  I am getting better at setting up, it took me twenty minutes this morning.  When we were ready to leave I managed to get all loaded in twenty minutes so I was pretty darn proud of myself.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Vera's Birthday Trip

Today was Vera's birthday, I planned a day trip to the beach in an area we had never been to.  We took the Wildwood Rd to Boistford, then took the Pe Ell McDonald Rd to Pe Ell.  From Pe Ell we went to Raymond on SR 6 where we drove about a mile on US 101 and turned onto SR 105 which we had never been on.  Our first stop was near North Cove where we had a nice view of the beach and ocean.
We had a nice time watching the waves and two fishermen while having a snack.
When we first stopped the one in the yellow pants was quite a ways further out on the rocks but Vera saw the waves going over his feet and it wasn't long until he moved back.
Our next stop was at Grayland where I was surprised to see windmills on the hills.  I had checked on Google maps last night and located a beach access with room enough to park the motor home so we could walk on the beach.
Vera found a sand dollar and some drift wood to take home as souvenirs of our trip.
We were debating what caused the ripples in the sand most of the way back to the motor home.
We went to Westport to see the tallest lighthouse in Washington.  We drove over the rest of 105, then took 101 and 107 to Montesano.  From Montesano we took SR 6, US 12 and Jackson Hwy to home.  It was a nice relaxing day and the motor home is a great way to travel while social distancing.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fathers Day

Yesterday as we were leaving the field Audrey noticed the generator muffler was hanging down pretty low.  I added a resonator onto it last week and the extra weight must have done it.  Today I added a new hanger plus replaced the old one and it should stay up now.

We met Mik, Michelle and James at the 49er for breakfast today.  This was the first time we have eaten out since the Covid-19 thing started.  They have plastic curtains between the booths and there is a five person limit.  The food was great as always and we sure enjoyed talking with them.
Since Vera had taken the other picture I got her and James together for this picture.  After we got home I edited pictures for my blog and then went out and did some more waxing on the motor home.  The right side is almost done with the first step.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Visiting Barry and Mona then Two days of Flying

Vera made banana bread in the Instant Pot today and it turned out great!
Of course I had it for my evening snack and put a picture on Facebook

Vera's bible study was canceled so she got to go to Barry and Mona's with me.  We got to see the remodeling they are doing on the house and had a nice visit.  Barry went to Papa Murphy's and picked up pizza for lunch.  The triple pepperoni was good but I think the Herb Chicken Mediterranean is my new favorite from Papa Murphy's.  We had come up on the East side of I5 via Jackson Hwy so we went home through Little Rock and Rochester.  We made a quick stop at Costco for gas and a couple of things.  Of course I had to stop at the Dairy Queen at Exit 88 for a Blizzard.

A nice day was forecast so we headed to the field early.  The runway was pretty tall so I mowed it first thing.  We had a fair turn out today and I got in plenty of flights and lots of visiting..

Another nice day so we went flying again.  James came up and visited, he is planning on doing more flying this summer so I will have to start packing his Yak-55.  It got pretty hot in the afternoon so I loaded up a little earlier than usual and we headed home.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Time to do a little catching up!

We have been sticking pretty close to home.  I have been working on the motor home, waxing it is going to take all summer at the rate I am going.  I am still working on the Kitfox even though the event has be canceled because of the Covid-19.  Vera made this batch of Cocoa Mounds tonight and I posted this picture on Facebook, right away someone noticed that four were missing.

Cathy brought by some Peanut Butter Fudge she made with the recipe our dad used.  I had forgotten how good it was, now I will have to get a copy from her.
Michelle has been having problems with her sewing machine and James brought it up when he came to visit.  We hadn't seen him for quite a while so we really enjoyed getting caught up.  There must have been a dozen screws holding the case of the sewing machine together.  I found the problem was the bearings on the lower shaft were dry, after oiling them and tightening the belt it worked fine.  It took two tries but I got all the screws back in the right spots.  As usual the screw I forgot was inside so the whole thing had to come apart.

They are still not having services at the church so we went flying today.  I tried out the little plane from the auction and it flew great.
After we got home I decided to get a kit down that our friend Dan was interested in.  I had to wrestle it out from under another kit after I got it down I held the phone up and took a picture to see what it was.  I was sure surprised to see this P-51D Mustang kit I had forgotten I had.   Dan came down on the sixteenth and bought the A-4 Skyhawk I had, I had a good time showing him my latest projects.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Auction and Motor Home

The Lewis county club had an auction for planes from the estate of a member.  I bid on a couple and got both of them.  The GWS Slow Stick was ready to fly except for the prop which I have many of.  This Funfly Stick (I think that is the right name) caught my eye and needs a few things but was never finished.
I was surprised when I found this mention of my B-36 in this month's Model Aviation.  AEF is the Arizona Electric Festival that I went to this year and flew it.
I set up the scaffolding and got the right side of the motor home above the stripes rubbed out today.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Over Night at Toledo

The forecast for Monday and Tuesday looked good so we went up to spend the night at the Toledo flying field.  I took this picture about noon and put it on Facebook with the caption "Guess what I am doing!".
We love flying up there, the scenery is so nice in every direction you look.  The solar panels worked great, both sets of batteries were fully charged when the sun went down.
Mt St Helens had that little band of clouds by it most of the day.
I have not had the Corsair out for quite a while but it only took one flight to remind me why I like it so much.  I leave it under the table because the sun makes the dark blue covering wrinkle.
This is just before I took off for my final flight of the day.
The moon was showing most of the day and kept getting brighter and brighter.  I really like the way it shows up against the blue sky.
The skydivers were jumping most of the day, this pair opened fairly high up and flew together for a long time.
They have a new jump plane now, it is turbine powered and beats the jumpers down at times.

I started flying about nine this morning.  It was a great day, Barry and Mona stopped by the field this afternoon on their way to Olympia.  I got to show off a little with the Vortex Delta for them.
Mt Rainier had this cap on it all day.
We had a good turnout of flyers and they did lots of flying.
Ken had a new trailer for hauling planes that he surprised us with.  One of our club members passed away while we were in Arizona and he bought it from the estate.

We are getting better at these overnight stays, when we got home it didn't take us very long to get unloaded and settled in at home.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...