Sunday, July 28, 2019

Faro Field Fly-In

6-26-2019 We went to the Faro Field Flyers Annual Flight Festival scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.  We went a day early so we would have plenty of time to set up for our first overnights in the Intruder.
I was surprised when there ended up being six or seven rigs there early and spending the night also.
The setup went good and I spent the rest of the day flying and visiting.  Jeff and Tina had this batch of planes for sale.
Our new friend Steve had these for sale also, the Corsair was at the Winter Build Challenge for sale but it did not sell.  Steve pulled the motor out of it and lowered the price but it did not sell this weekend either.
Steve had a really low price on this Trex 700 and I ended up buying it.
There were lots of different kinds of planes on display and flying.

Just before sunset there was also some control line flying done, the first time I have seen any in many years.
Jeff is watching Marc fly inverted, it was a nice ending to the day.
This is how the Intruder looked as the sun went down tonight.  I tucked all the planes under it or the awning for the night which turned out to be a good idea because it rained a little during the night.
6-27-2019  John and Dan from the LCRC were there early this morning.
More modelers with nice planes showed up this morning.
Our neighbor this weekend flying.
Our neighbor had two Piper Tri-Pacers, one third scale and one quarter scale.  They both flew great, but I liked the quarter scale best as it had an onboard electric starter.  It was cool to watch him set it next to the runway, step back and have the motor crank over and start, taxi out and take off.
Our friend Sonny was all over the place helping people all weekend.
The teenager flying this plane was really good, you can not believe the things he could make it do.
The P-40 and Hellcat are two of my favorite airplanes and they got flown a lot today.
There was four of the large warbirds flying together, the FW-190 looks like it is about to attack the P-40.
6-28-2019  The Sunday morning sun lighting up the curtains and the TV going was a good start to the day.  It was nice watching it during the day and evenings, we got twenty one channels so we had a little selection.
The solar panels worked great, the TV ran all day every day and the batteries were always full.  The one hooked to my Lipo charging system did the same for that battery.
I put in a couple of early morning flights and we headed home.  It was a great weekend and everything worked great, the best camping trip we have ever had.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

July Barbecue

Today the club had a barbecue to use up some of the food left over from the Dick Anderson Memorial.  We got there pretty early, but Dan beat us again.
I did lots of flying with the Vortex and Skylane today.
Vera got a nice picture of Doug and Joey.
Ken and May enjoying the shade under their pop up.
Dan doing some trading, he ended up trading the Chipmunk for a 1/4 scale Cub with a twin cylinder engine.
I am trimming out Horty's plane for him.
After the dust devil ruined a bunch of canopies at the Dick Anderson Memorial there were several new ones at the field today.
Chuck did a great job of cooking!
Horty wasn't first in line for food today, he was helping Chuck with the cooking.
There was lots good food again, Brian's wife brought some delicious Somores.  I know because I had several helpings.  It was a great day, I had a really good time.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


The grass was going to seed so I decided to take a break from the motor home and mow today.  It sure looked a lot better when I got done.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Intruder's first trip to the flying field

We made our first trip to the flying field today, I hadn't flown the Pogo for quite a while so I put it together first.  It is fairly fast, 114 Mph the way I have it set up.
Dan was there when we arrived, but had to leave early, but then Ken showed up.  This was the first time we used the awning and it really helped keep the interior cool.
I was sitting outside in the shade and got this picture of a skydiver jumping from the plane.  It was a good day, everything worked pretty well.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

New Step

The new seven hundred pound step showed up and I installed it today.  James and Dalton stopped by and gave me a hand for a while.  Of course I had to drill some new holes and put in different bolts, but I finally got it done and it works great.  We have also installed lots of LED lights, a new power converter with a smart battery charger built in, flat screen TVs, new curtains, carbon monoxide monitor and a bunch of small items.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Aviation Posters

Vera found a set of four vintage aviation posters printed on metal at Amazon so we ordered a set and used them to decorate the storage compartment doors.  We put our favorite inside to cover some screw holes and it looks great.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


As I was going in for the evening I noticed the sunset through the trees towards Parker's.  I tried a couple of pictures but they didn't look that great.
I turned around and discovered a nice scene over the newly roofed shop.  Some times the best things are behind you if you look around.

Friday, July 5, 2019

A big post to catch up.

6-20-2019 The motor home the first night we had it.
This is the first picture Vera took with her new Nikon P900.  She liked mine and the zoom started acting up so I got her a new one.  I am reading up on the motor home systems because the turn signals didn't work on the way home.
I located the fuse panel during the turn signal repair, it was not real easy to get access to with out removing the grill.  After all the fuses checked good I went hunting for the turn signal flasher.  I still have not found it, but I discovered the problem was in the turn signal switch.
The step was not working because the coach batteries were bad so this was our route into the motor home for several days.
6-22-2019  I went flying this morning so I could check out the trim on the Vortex.
Dan was the only one there today, these are his planes, I had a good time visiting with him.
I left early so I could go to a lunch with former Instrument Repairmen from the shop I worked in at Longview Fibre for thirty years.  Bob was also a journeyman in the same shop. 
6-23-2019  We met Mik, Michelle, Josh, Debbie, Jordon and Jacob for Vera's birthday breakfast.  Vera and Jordon played with this toy for quite a while.
Jacob slept most of the time but he did open his eyes for a few minutes.  James stopped by on his way to work and wished Vera a "Happy Birthday".
As we were leaving, Mik took this group photo for us.  We really enjoyed seeing everyone.
After we got home I tore the steering column apart and got the turn signal switch out.  I was going to order a new one but it was held together with screws so I took it apart and discovered the grease had hardened so nothing was making contact.  I cleaned the grease off, polished the contacts, added new grease and reassembled it.  It now works great and I am an expert on Ford turn signals!
6-24-2019  I washed the motor home today and moved it to where it will probably be parked all the time.
6-25-2019  We went to the Toledo field today to a memorial fly-in and barbecue for Dick Anderson a long time president of the club who passed away last year.
Steve, Horty, Ken and Dan trying to look innocent.  I am not sure what they were up to but they sure looked happy all day.
Donna, Ken and May checking out the prize tables.  The red and white plane was the raffle's grand prize.
You can tell Horty was in the Navy, he is always the first one in the food line.
We had a good turn out today, one of the biggest in a long time.  I was last in the food line because I was taking pictures.
After lunch they had a contest for the kids.  They were given a small glider, some time to assemble and trim it out.  Then there were several round of flying them to see whose flew the longest.  The winner got a radio controlled park flyer.
At two they had a ceremony honoring Dick Anderson followed by a raffle of the prizes.
This is my last picture of the day, I had a great time.  It was also the old motor homes last trip to the flying field.
7-1-2019  After I put a good battery in the Intruder the step started working.  After a couple of days it quit again and I discovered the actuating arm was broken.  As I was researching a replacement I discovered that we had a 300 pound model and that they make a 700 pound model.  We decided to order the 700 pound one.  It came today and after unpacking it I found they had shipped the 300 pound.  After going around with them for a while on the phone they agreed to send me a prepaid return label.  Then I did some more looking online and found the 700 pound one for a hundred dollars less and ordered it.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...