Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Four this year!

This is a picture Vera took of a blueberry bush, ours all turned very pretty colors this year.
This is a cookie that Vera brought home from bible study for me today.
I wanted to see how the deck looked without the motion light on so I went out the back door, across the lawn and up the driveway to get this view.
Rick, Heather and the kids were our first Trick-or-Treaters.  Tor was a pirate, Bridget a cat and Jillian was a witch.
Josh and Debbie brought Jordon by to Trick-or-Treat.  He wasn't interested in the candy but made a beeline for his favorite toys.  He was our forth and last Trick-or-Treater for the night.  We do have candy left over if the twins happen to stop by the next time they are up.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Farmers Market

I had a meeting at the church this morning, I am doing the membership list on the computer for the church directory.  When I finished that we headed to Chehalis to take care of some banking for Marie's estate.  It was a nice drive up on Barnes Drive and Jackson Hwy. with the leaves turning.
We stopped at the flying field when we saw some people there.  Just as I got out of the car Barry called, when I picked up the mail this morning his AOPA magazine was there and he called to tell me I could read it.  I had sent him the picture because the cover page was all that came with a sticker on it saying it was damaged and missing parts.  I got caught up on what they have been doing in Florida and he told me about the alligators they had seen.
Theresa was flying when we arrived, she made what looked like a good landing and the landing gear broke.  She is taking the plane apart in the picture, the landing gear was not tied into the foam very well.  We had a good time visiting before we headed on.
After we finished the business at Wells Fargo we went to a Farmers Market that was next to it.  We looked around, sampled some apple cider, voted in a favorite squash poll and got lunch at a booth.  Vera had a BLT and I had Fish and Chips, while we were waiting she gave us Bavarian Pretzels to snack on while we waited.  We were full enough from them that we took our orders home for dinner.  We stopped by the field again on the way home, one more flyer had shown up.  I put a flight on the X-Vert after we got home, the first time I have taken it into forward flight at home.  It worked great and I made several transitions without any problems.  The BLT and Fish and Chips turned out to be good.  I would stop at that booth again, but today was the last Farmers Market of the year.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Saturday Flying before the rains came.

Steve and I got there early today, we planned on mowing Mrs. Herren's lawn and the field.  I ran the motor home over about half the runway before I started mowing and rolling.  Steve took the other mower over and mowed Mrs. Herren's and around the barn.  When I finished by the tables the members who had arrived started setting up.  Vera moved the motor home over and got most of my stuff out while I finished the runway.  One of the first things I did when I got over there was take this picture of Mt Rainier, it looked really nice this morning.
It was really nice, Vera sat out in the sun and read her Kindle, I had my coat off most of the time.  I only got the MXS, Super Cub and AT-6 out and I ended up putting two flights on each one.
About two I noticed these dark clouds coming our way so I started putting things way as I flew.  I flew one last flight with the MXS on the table and loaded it up just as the rain started.  By the time we got home it was raining pretty good.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A busy couple of days

I made a mail run this morning and then packaged up some stuff for Barry, after Vera got home from bible study we took it down and mailed it.  Then we sat down, voted and ran the ballots down to the drop box.  I have been wanting to clean the shop chimney, it took a while but I finally found the brush and got it done without creating too big a mess.  Vera took this picture as I was testing the mower this afternoon.  The starter has not been engaging every time when I start the mower.  I traced it down to the solenoid and the new one came today so I installed it.  Now it starts right up.

Tuesday I did the laundry and I don't think I ruined anything.  Vera is doing more every day and I try to slow her down when I can.  I also did some paperwork for Marie's estate, we got another step done and mailed off.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Flying

It was foggy when we got to the field at ten, I got in six flights with the helicopter and triplane before it started clearing at twelve thirty when I took this picture.   By one it was clear blue skies and lots of sunshine.  Dan and Doug were the only other flyers to show up today.  I got to put a test flight on Dan's Christian Eagle and it flew great.
This is how it looked at five thirty as I was loading up.  I hadn't flown any helicopters lately so I put five flights on the little Cobra to get some practice in.  It was a good day and I got in eighteen flights total so I was happy as we headed home.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Fog then lots of Sunshine and Flying

What a great day of flying I had today.  I started out flying the Super Cub in the fog because it has lights which helped a little.  Then I flew the red Fokker Triplane and it showed up pretty well and was easy to fly because of the flight stabilizer I have in it.  Later in the day I was shooting touch and goes without touching anything but the throttle.  The fog lasted a little longer than normal but once the sun came out it was really nice and my coat spent the rest of the day on the table.

Wednesday and Thursday I got the last of the deck lights installed and working.  Vera's leg seems to be getting better as she is doing more but she says it still hurts at times.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

A beautiful day for flying

Doug has a V-Hawk X4 like mine and today he got it into the forward flight mode and put in a couple of nice flights.
I have never had an Ultra Stick but after watching Ken with his I am really tempted to get one.
Dan and Vicky are putting the Chipmunk together, later Ken, Doug and I helped him do some programming of the flap mixing in the transmitter.
For the first time the delta is going home with an unbroken prop.  I put three flights on it today and have it trimmed out well enough to try some mild aerobatics.  It is also pretty fast at full throttle.
This is just before I started loading up to go home.  I hadn't had the Storch or the Stuka out for a couple of years.  I did make a bomb drop on the second flight of the Stuka and managed to hit the runway.  Ken wouldn't pick it up until I told him it was not explosive.  It was one of the nicer days of the year at the field, warm with very light winds.  As we do quite often, we were the first ones there and the last ones to leave.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


After church We got the last railing installed by the heat pump.  Vera was out there helping the whole time getting tools, holding things and she arranged the planters along the walk all by herself.  It is nice to see her getting around better, it was a little sore after all the activity but the heat pad helped.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Deck Lights

I installed the first post for the North railing on the deck today.  While I had the boards up so I could bolt it down I put in the first of the lights for the steps.
 As I was writing this Vera said they looked great at night and I should take a picture, so I did and she was right it looks great!  Vera was out helping me today, getting tools and holding things.  She said the leg still hurts at times but it is much better.  We went to the 49er for dinner, I had their meat and cheese omelet with country gravy on the hash brown's.  It tasted great but I could only eat half of it so I am looking forward to tomorrows lunch or dinner.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Fantastic Flying

It was a fantastic day for flying, I made sixteen flights on the six planes in this picture.  The delta only flew once as I broke the prop when I bounced it during a take off.  I have broken a prop every time I have taken it out, of course I left the box of spare props at home.
There were nine flyers out enjoying the nice weather.
I have never flown a model of a Hellcat until today when I test flew Dan's new VQ Models Hellcat.  It flew great, but needs some more down thrust and a little nose weight.
This Navion was shooting touch and goes at the airport, a plane you don't see too many of.
Ken is launching his plane with a catapult, it worked great and Jim (kneeling) used it for his flying wing later.
I don't know what Ken and Chuck are smiling about because I didn't take the picture but I am pretty sure they know that someone is leaving me a surprise picture on my camera.  It is sure fun finding these surprises.
The silver lining on the clouds was sure pretty on the way home.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Mitsubishi, Deck and Mowing

Monday and Tuesday I got the last post put up for this end of the deck, cut the railing, stained it, and gave some of it a coat of Thompson's.  Wednesday I took the Mitsubishi to Vancouver for an oil change, Airbag service required light that was on and new wiper blades.  They said it would take all day so I went over to the Barnes and Noble book store to kill time.  I found a good magazine, bought it and was just getting into the articles when they called about noon and said it was done.  I was sure happy to hear that!  On the way home I stopped at a hobby shop to look around, that only cost me sixty dollars for some stuff I discovered I needed.  Then I stopped at Costco and managed to load up a cart.  When I got home I finished up the Thompson's on the railings.  Today I finished up the short section of railing so the East side of the deck is all done.
After a mail and BK run we sat on the deck and had lunch, it was really nice out this afternoon.  I decided to run the mower over the lawn and pickup the leaves.  I also ran over all the trails, they haven't been done for quite a while.  Next I need to even up the sides of the trails with the hedge trimmer.  I have been trying to figure out a way to mount them on the mower so I can trim as I mow.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Party for James

We went to church this morning, the first time since Vera hurt her leg.  This afternoon we went to a birthday and going away party for James, he is moving to Reno this week.  These pictures are in the order I took them.
We were upstairs at the Longview Papa Pete's, James had his leg up to keep Jordon from getting over by the stairs.  Jordon tried several times to get by but couldn't figure it out.
There was a nice turnout of family and we had a great time listening to the stories about James' younger years.
James with Elle, Jim, Rome and Kim, Elle and Rome are sure getting grown up.
James is showing them the video of his aerobatic ride in the Extra 330.
Mik playing with Jordon.
Jordon got lots of holding today and I got this great picture of Dianne and him.
James with Steve and Dianne as they were leaving.
James with Bev and Rich, Bev had to work so they left a little early.  Thanks Michelle for the picture, my picture didn't turn out that good so Michelle sent me the one she took that is great!
Mik, James and Michelle take great pictures together.
Of course we had to get our picture taken as well.
I think I managed to get everyone today, usually I end up missing someone.  It was a fun time and great seeing everyone.
As we pulled up the driveway when we got home there were four deer sampling Parker's new grass.  I settled in and watched the rest of the Seahawks game, a close game all the way but they lost by two points.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Flu Shot and Deck Railings

I remembered this morning that Kaiser had a Flu Shot clinic today and I also needed a Protime check.  There was a huge line when I got there but they had it pretty well organized, as soon as they discovered I needed the Protime check I was put into a separate group where they could do both and there were only two people ahead of me.  I was out fairly quickly, after a gas and Pepsi stop I picked up the mail, there was only one letter today for M from EJ.  I have been getting the deck parts for the steps cut and stained for the last couple of days.  Since it was not raining today I got it installed.
Debbie sent me this picture of Jordon in the rocker we got when Bev was little and passed on to Jordon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Babysitting Jordon

Boy was I surprised to see frost on the shop roof this morning.
Josh brought Jordon by at 9:30 so I could watch him while he showed a couple of places in Mossyrock.  Jordon played with the airplane a lot today, he figured out how to get on and off without falling.  It was fun to watch him practicing that.
Lots of drool, he must have some more teeth coming in.  About eleven he got his blanket and settled on my lap for an hour and a half nap
I wish I could still squat down like that.  His playing was different today, he didn't get every toy out, just some that seem to be his favorites.
After Vera got home from bible study he spent some time on her lap.  We had a nice visit with Josh when he picked Jordon up.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...