Sunday, March 16, 2025

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206


I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time focusing because of the low light and this was the best picture I got.
When I downloaded the moon pictures, I found this one James had taken of me in February when I was showing him my new viewfinder.


James came up and visited us today.  I didn't accomplish much today, those new exercises they have me doing really tuckered me out. 

As James was leaving I noticed the daffodils were starting to bloom so I went over and took this picture.  We had a little excitement this evening when I noticed a police car on the security camera.  I went out to where I could see down the driveway and a wrecker was hooking up to a roll over accident that was upside down in the ditch.  There was one WSP car still there.  I saw on Face Book that they transported the driver to be checked out.


I had a great time flying my Bell 206 today, I ended up making 4 flights.  Since there has been lots of rain lately I got the mower and roller out and went over the lawn this afternoon.
After my last flight I was headed in for the evening when I noticed the sunset and took a couple of pictures.
When I got in the house I found Vera out on the back deck taking sunset pictures also with her camera.  We sure do think alike!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Another Trip to Kaiser

 I had physical therapy at the Orchards Kaiser today.  My range of motion has improved on both knees and they seem stronger.  They made some changes to the exercises I do twice a day and I scheduled an appointment for next month to check my progress.  James remarked the other day that it looks like I am walking better.

After my appointment we stopped at Costco for some laundry soap.  We managed to fill the cart before we got out of there.  Vera was joking with the guy that checked our slip on the way and said "We came in to get the laundry soap" and he replied "At least you have it, some people come in to get something and end up forgetting it".

Vera heard some ladies talking about hail and snow up by Battle Ground.  We were going to 3PEAKS for lunch and had to drive for about a mile through slush.  As usual the halibut fish and chips were great.
As we were coming over Pleasant Hill rd. there was a beautiful big rainbow.  By the time we got to where we could take a picture of it, it had faded quite a bit.
Laury sent me this picture of the cousins after we got home.  I looks like they are really enjoying it at grandma's.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kaiser Week


2-26-2025  My YAG laser treatment yesterday worked out great!  My vision is so nice and clear now.  Today Vera had a dental appointment so we were back at Kaiser again.  She came out of the appointment with another appointment for Friday to get her teeth cleaned.  They must have had a cancellation for her to get in so soon.  That will make 3 trips to Kaiser this week.

2-28-2025  My new helicopter came today and I couldn't wait to test it.  It is the same as the red and white one I have and flies just like it.  Now I have a backup if something happens to the other  one.
3-1-2025  Jordon had a basketball game today at Coweeman Middle school.  They won their game today, their first win and boy did they celebrate!
After the game we went over to the Fiesta Bonita Mexican Grill for dinner.
Michelle took these pictures by setting her phone on the window sill and using her watch to take the picture.  We had a great time and the food was good.  As usual we ended up taking half of it home for tomorrow.
Mik took this picture when they brought the birthday surprise to Debbie.  Josh had arranged it and Debbie didn't know it was going to happen.
3-5-2025  James came up and ate lunch here today.  He has come up several times having lunch and bringing me pellets.
3-6-2025  The lawn was getting pretty lumpy so I bought a new roller and went over the lawn today.  I am going to use it every time I mow until the lawn dries out.
3-8-2025  We went down to Coweeman Middle school for Jordon's last basketball game of the season.  He only played the first half as he had to leave early for baseball practice.
Mik and Michelle were at the beach so they couldn't make it to the game but sent this nice picture of them having a meal there.
3-9-2025  I had a nice call from Barry today.  He had been out at the Cactus Fly In at the Casa Grande airport and sent me this picture of his new neighbor with his plane.
3-10-2025  Laury sent me this picture of Brentley, I was talking to her and David at the play fort the other day and it sounds like they are really enjoying the grandkids.
3-12-2025  James came up from school at lunch time today.  He brought me pellets yesterday and said the kids had been kind of wild.  He said the kids were acting much better today.  Vera made it home from bible study before he had to leave and got to visit with him too.  We sure do enjoy his visits.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

YAG Laser

I had an early ophthalmology appointment this morning at the Longview Kaiser.  My right eye has been blurry for the last couple of months and my optometrist referred me to ophthalmology.  My doctor checked and found what I thought it might be, scar tissue on the backside of the cataract lens.  I had it removed from my left eye about 4 years ago.  The doctor did the YAG laser surgery on my right one today.  After what ever they use to dilate the eye wore off I am happy to report that everything is clear and sharp again.  On the way to Kaiser this morning we noticed the river had came up quite a ways from the atmospheric river that is hitting this area, so we stopped and took this picture.  I spent the afternoon watching YouTube with sunglasses on until my eyes stopped being dilated.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Physical Therapy, Jordon's Basketball

 James stocked me up with pellets on Tuesday and had lunch here.  He stopped by again on Wednesday just as we were getting ready to head to Orchards for my physical therapy appointment.  We didn't get to visit very long because I had scheduled it in the afternoon so Vera could go to bible study.  The traffic was fairly light and we made it with plenty of time to spare.

I tried to take a picture of the Physical Therapy entrance but when I checked later all I had was this picture of my shoes and the carpet.  I am not sure what I did wrong.  My appointment went great and my left leg gave way once while she was having me walk in the hall.  After checking the strength in both legs she is sure the muscles in the left leg are weak because of the two surgeries I had done on my toes.  I now have exercises to do twice a day.  I am noticing a difference already after 3 days.  On the way home we stopped at 3 Peaks for halibut fish and chips.
We stopped at the Kelso Safeway on the way home for gas and a few things.  I took this picture and sent it to James so he would know we made it home safely.
I got the Airacobra wing repaired this week.  I think the patch will fade after a few times in the sun.

Today we went down to Jordon's basketball game at Coweeman middle school.
Debbie and Josh were the coaches today.  The team got their first win today and they were really excited.  As always we had a great time watching the game.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wing and Computer Repair, Snow and Birthday

I was moving my Airacobra wing the other day and put my thumb through the leading edge.  Today I started repairing it by putting some reinforcement pieces behind the sheeting.

James came up today and brought me a load of pellets for the shop.
Jordon had a basketball game at Coweeman Middle School.  We had a great time watching the game.  I saw him make a nice bounce pass to a teammate, he gets better every time we go to a game.
The hard drive on my computer has been failing to boot up at times.  I opened it up today to find out what size and type of hard drive it was.  Then I got on Amazon and ordered the highest rated SSD they had.  I got my laptop out and started using it until the new one shows up.
James came up during lunch at school and ate his lunch here.  We really enjoy these visits.
It started snowing today and by 1 PM this is how it looked by our driveway.  We didn't go out in it, this picture was taken by the county public works department
UPS came before the snow started so I was able to install the new SSD today.  Boy did it make a difference, the computer boots up much faster now.
I took this picture at 2:17 PM, the snow had really came down fast.  We had almost 3 inches by the time we went to bed.
This is how it looked the next day at about 8 AM, we had picked up about another inch of snow.
This picture was taken out the living room window towards Abernethy.
Vera found a recipe for Old Fashion Rhubarb Cake online and made it.  It turned out great and I have been having it every day for lunch.
Today was my 86th birthday.  We spent a quiet day at home puttering on the computer.  Then we met Bev, Michelle, James and Mik at the El Compadre for dinner to celebrate Bev's and my birthday.  Bev's in January, but she got sick so our plans to celebrate it then got canceled.  We had a great evening together reminiscing and enjoying great food.

James came up and replenished my pellet supply and brought his lunch to eat here.

I didn't take any pictures today but a friend we used to fly with sent me this picture of my Aero Master biplane when we were flying near St Helens OR on the Luttrell's field.  In the background is Cliff who ran the hobby shop in Longview.  This picture was probably taken in the early 70's.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Snow from above


After taking last nights picture of the shop I charged up the drone batteries so I could get some aerial pictures of the snow today.  The first thing I did was take a picture of myself.  I bundled up before going out as it was 28 degrees.

After my selfie I climbed up to 165 feet so I was clear of the trees and took a picture of the house.
Then I climbed up to 350 feet and took a bunch of pictures of the area and this one of the house.
This picture is looking South towards the Kelso, Longview area.  After this picture I hit the Return to Home button and it landed within a couple of feet of where it took off.  As soon as it shut its self off I grabbed it and headed into the house to warm up!  This afternoon I finished recovering the top of my Skylane's wing so it is ready for the next flying session.  Vera baked bread this afternoon and it tastes great.

Moon, Daffodils and Bell 206

  3-14-2025 I was on the computer tonight when I remembered the lunar eclipse was around midnight for this area.  The camera had a hard time...